Albany campaign weighs in the PMB bread market. What prompted - TopicsExpress


Albany campaign weighs in the PMB bread market. What prompted the activation? The key challenge facing the Albany brand in the Pietermaritzburg region before the activation took place was the heavy infiltration by very low and cheap bread from the wholesales and other significant emerging bakeries in the region. As a result the bottom line sales volumes for Albany bread were affected. We therefore needed to execute an activation that will help reinforce Albany bread as a premium quality bread. How did we do it - what was the execution plan? Yourself Management then devised an in-store loyalty program strategy called Albany for life - consumers got rewarded whenever they were buying more than two loafs of Albany bread. The campaign lasted for seven weeks and it was a huge success.
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 07:13:38 +0000

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