Albeit another great advancement provided by people of - TopicsExpress


Albeit another great advancement provided by people of "Oppression".... Still just a microcosm of all that has been stolen... Ill gotten gains are the fuel that the Elite still elicit residual revenues from our Ancestors genetic wisdom, strength, & ingenuity... Yet, to this day no tangible recompense... Reparations will NEVER be made due... As the Institutions Elite are currently raiding every & all real wealth as we speak... Making away with Trillions... Soon to be Quadrillions to maintain any sense of relevancy that they have previously stolen... At this rate... Eternal servitude will be the only option... Not only on a black vs white level.... But on a Class level... (Yes... as in War... Whites without are now just "Collateral Damage" lol...) For any level of Equality to ever exist for my people... Redistribution is definitely a must.... The same way the Emancipated Proclamated properties that were assigned got revoked by Andrew Jackson... And the institution of the Industrial Prison Complex subsected for the alleged freedom of Our Ancestors... The agenda remains the same for the ensuing 125+ years... Think things have changed... Post Racial... Take a look around you.... Every.... EVERY ill of that day... Has just put on a new face... Suit.... Robe... Tie....
Posted on: Thu, 15 Aug 2013 00:31:13 +0000

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