Albert S Rosales The Watchers ? Location. Adirondack Mountains, - TopicsExpress


Albert S Rosales The Watchers ? Location. Adirondack Mountains, New York Date: April 18 2004 Time: night The witnesses (including a retired police officer) were in upstate New York on a fishing expedition. They had just come in form the fishing boat and were tying it to the dock. While the main witness was tying down his corner he thought he saw a blue light flash across the lake. He looked up and just as he did he noticed that his two friends looked up as well. The color of the flash reminded him of those “black lights” that are popular with kids, and it appeared to be about the size of a softball tossed into the air. They watched this light for a good five to six seconds. It started to slow down considerably when it got to the opposite side of the lake. It then started descending toward the ground slowly near a farm silo just on the other side. The farm hadn’t been used in at least ten years. They watched the light move down and down, until they could not see it in the sky anymore, but they could still see the colored glow shining into the air. Being retired police officers they decided to investigate this phenomenon. Each of them quickly untied their ropes and jumped back into the boat. They made it across the lake in about five minutes. As they docked the boat on a friend’s dock that was away at the time, they looked in the direction of where the light was, approximately 300 yards away. It was now pulsating and no longer a steady glow. It was just behind the old silo and so they walked in that direction quite cautiously, yet very excited and quickly. When they reached the silo, suddenly the glow became solid again and stopped pulsing. The three of them, walking side by side, each with a pocket knife in hand, made it around to the other side where the light was coming from. Then they saw something they had never seen before. It was a glowing circle or sphere about the size of a Volkswagen beetle “black light” in color. This sphere was transparent, and inside of it they saw what looked exactly like two humans, a male and a female sitting facing one another. Yet there were no visible seats beneath them. The woman had long blond hair and was clothed in gray and black. The male had medium length blond hair with similar clothing. The three witnesses watched for a few seconds before they looked at each other, and almost simultaneously said, “Are we really seeing this?” Each of them started whispering to each other what they were seeing and all of their descriptions were exactly the same. As they stood about 25 to about 30 feet away from the object they could clearly see that the male and the female had their hands pressed against each other’s and their eyes were closed. The sphere surrounding them had an almost fluid look to it, yet seemed solid at the same time. The main witness pulled out his cigarettes nervously and as he went to light a cigarette the female turned and looked directly at them. His friend, elbowed him and said, “Great, now we have been seen.” He did not feel any fear whatsoever and later found out neither of them were fearful either. After the female looked at them, she smiled very pleasantly and took one hand away from her mate’s. He then looked directly at them and smiled also, a very humbling smile. They all looked at each other stunned. The female’s hand movements looked as if it was a slight wave and the male proceeded to follow. The main witness two friends did not move, but just kept staring; he however raised his hand for some odd reason as to wave back. As he did, the two beings looked at each other and smiled. The female then reached her hand outside of the sphere and picked up what looked like some grass. They then closed their eyes again, put their hands back up to one another’s and the sphere began ascending slowly at about the speed of a helicopter. The only noise emitted was a very faint hum, almost like a powerful household ion air cleaner. The sphere rose to about 50 or 60 ft and they could see that both the male and female were looking down at them; they could see their heads turn and look down in their direction. Shortly after, the sphere took off quite rapidly. It got smaller and smaller, ascending maybe 20 feet every couple of seconds. It took off directly toward the constellation of Orion, which was visible in the clear night sky, until they could not see the sphere anymore. HC addendum Source: Aileen Garoutte wandering20@gmail Type: A
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 13:15:59 +0000

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