Albert Wesker was one of thirteen children born to parents of - TopicsExpress


Albert Wesker was one of thirteen children born to parents of superior intellect chosen as a part of the plans of Oswell E. Spencer to create a model for a superior race of human beings, being labeled No. 013 of the Wesker Children test subjects. During his younger years, Wesker was conditioned by Spencer to excel as a superior human being. Wesker himself was unaware of the fact that his name was not his own and that his whole life was puppeteered by invisible hands. Wesker aspired to become an employee of Umbrella, a position which Spencer ensured Wesker received the highest education for. Wesker was selected to be trained at the Umbrella Research Center. At some point in his teenage years, Wesker took up regularly wearing sunglasses, partially in order to mask his emotions and expression, making it difficult for others to know what went through his mind and giving him an unapproachable air. 10 Executive Candidacy ~ 1977 Now a student at the Umbrella Research Center in 1977, a young Wesker met and befriended William Birkin, a fellow student who was two years his junior. The two formed a competitive rivalry, but maintained a good relationship. The contrast between the two earned Wesker the nickname Practical Al from one of the assistant researchers. The two caught the eye of the normally reclusive James Marcus, who took them both under his wing, becoming the only two individuals Marcus genuinely trusted. 11 Wesker had earned a degree in bioengineering and was being trained as a potential future Umbrella executive. By January 1978, Marcus succeeded in developing the t-virus. In the meantime, Spencer used the two as spies to steal the newly developed virus, which they retrieved and were allowed to research while Spencer commenced his own t-virus project in the Arklay Laboratory. In July 1978, the Umbrella Research Center was shut down, and Wesker and Birkin were promoted as Chief Researchers at the Arklay Laboratory where they continued their research into the virus, whilst Marcus continued his own in the abandoned training center. 12 t-Virus Project ~ 1978 - 1991 Wesker and Birkin arrived at the Arklay Laboratory on July 31, 1978 as the facilitys new Chief Researchers. Together, they were responsible for an acceleration into t-virus research and development, producing mutant strains, B.O.W.s and making several new discoveries. In 1988, the two were ordered to assassinate James Marcus. In doing so, they also stole all of his research on Progenitor and the t-virus and had a research team evaluate the results of his research. After a shared conclusion was reached by the research team with Marcus notes that human beings were the most viable test subjects for the virus, Birkin and Wesker commenced the Tyrant Project, but were unable to produce immediate results. Wesker planned to advance their research by taking over the research on the Nemesis Project by administering the prototype parasite specimen received from France to Lisa Trevor, hoping to surpass the research results of the Sixth Laboratory. However, following the sudden discovery of what would later become known as the G-virus, Weskers plans changed. During this time, Wesker also began to ponder the true motives of Spencer. Wesker later compiled all of the events of his time as Chief Researcher in a report he had compiled for Ada Wong. 13 Intelligence Operations ~ 1991 - 1998 By now, Wesker and Birkin had become high-level officers within the Umbrella Corporation. In 1991, Wesker transferred to the companys secret Intelligence Department knowing he had reached his limits as a researcher, and also in order to gather info on what Spencer was really planning. Following that, Wesker made yet another move, this time to S.T.A.R.S., the Special Forces of the Raccoon City Police Department in 1996. Following the formation of the unit, Wesker was inaugurated Captain of the Alpha Team under the recommendation of Umbrella and became leader of the entire unit. His shooting skills were not far behind those of the No. 1 marksman in S.T.A.R.S., Chris Redfield, and he also customized his own Samurai Edge. He was also the only member of the unit to be equipped with a wireless headset receiver as opposed to a standard-issue radio, giving him a tactical advantage over the rest of his teammates. During this time he conducted counter-intelligence operations in order to ensure Umbrellas secret activities within Raccoon City were never discovered by S.T.A.R.S. or the state police. At the same time, Wesker also remained Chief of Security at the Arklay Laboratory, and was present during the infamous outbreak incident in May, preventing the researchers from leaving the grounds or making phone calls. 14 All the while, Wesker made plans of his own to abandon Umbrella and join with another rival company of theirs, seeing that they would at some point be exposed for their criminal activities of biological weaponry and desiring power over all else. At some point between 1991 and 1992, Wesker met an Edonian immigrated women in her early 20s whos last name is only known to be Muller. They briefly copulated and the result of that brief relationship was the birth of of the future mercenary Jake Muller, whos specialized blood type gave him protection against mutagenic pathogens just like Wesker. Jakes mother returned to Edonia without telling Wesker of Jakes birth shortly after meeting him. Ecliptic Express Derailment ~ Jul. 23, 1998 At some point in 1998, Umbrella Headquarters issued the plan for the Reclamation Project, aimed at reclaiming the abandoned Umbrella Research Center and its respective laboratory and additional facilities. Wesker, along with William Birkin, was charged with carrying out the operation and led the Special Forces and investigation teams in their attempts to reclaim the facility. By this time however, the facility was crawling with escaped B.O.W.s and a new creature called Mimicry Marcus, and the teams were wiped out by the infesting creatures. Wesker was later also charged with carrying out the X-DAY procedure by order of Umbrella HQ on July 22. 15 On July 23, Wesker had deployed the S.T.A.R.S. Bravo Team to the Arklay Mountains, and had begun the acquisition of combat data against the B.O.W.s in the Arklay Laboratory. Along with Birkin, he soon discovered the involvement of a revived James Marcus after the Ecliptic Express was attacked and its passengers wiped out. In response, Wesker and Birkin commanded the Delta Team of the Umbrella Security Service in an attempt to re-take the train, ending in failure. As the two watched events unfold within the Research Center, they also gathered the combat data from Rebecca Chambers and Billy Coen and their encounters with the creatures infesting the area, along with the rest of Bravo Team. Wesker noted that a full-scale biohazard was at hand due to the leak and spread of the t-virus in several different locations, including the Arklay Laboratory, Ecliptic Express, Research Center, Underground Laboratory, the nearby factory and the Arklay Treatment Plant. With Umbrellas downfall evident, he had one last meeting with Birkin before setting his own plans into motion and then left to gear up the S.T.A.R.S. Alpha Team to search and rescue the lost Bravo Team in the Arklay Mountains. While attempting to get back to Raccoon City to carry out the mission, Wesker encountered Sergei Vladimir, who was in the area to retrieve the T-A.L.O.S. prototype from the Arklay Laboratory before X-DAY was carried out. Vladimir was not only displeased that Wesker had failed to reclaim the Research Center and was planning to simply destroy it without authorization from Umbrella higher-ups, but was in fact aware that he was planning to betray Umbrella for the rival company. As a lesson for not taking responsibility, Vladimir sent his bodyguard, Ivan, a modified Tyrant T-103, to engage Wesker in battle. Thankfully for Wesker, he was able to use Birkins setting-off of the Research Centers self-destruct sequence as a diversion and escape. Before parting ways with Birkin, Wesker had also received a prototype virus from him which unbeknownst to them was a specially engineered virus based on the Progenitor virus, developed by Spencer and used for the Wesker Project. 16 Mansion Incident ~ Jul. 24, 1998 On July 24, Wesker carried out his orders as part of the X-DAY procedure, also intending to make a good impression on the rival company he was planning to defect to. Wesker intended to steal the research data of the B.O.W.s at the facility and record the combat data of the S.T.A.R.S. teams against them for his own purposes. Rather than destroy the Tyrant that lay dormant within the facility, he planned to seize it and its combat data and hand them over to the rival company in order to solidify his position. On top of all this, he intended to fake his death by using the experimental virus received from Birkin. Independent of either Umbrella or the rival company, Wesker also threatened Barry Burton with the lives of his wife and two daughters in order to use him as bait for the remaining members. When they arrived in the Raccoon Forest in search of the Bravo Team, Alpha Team discovered the corpse of Kevin Dooley, and were attacked by a pack of Cerberus. They decided to take shelter in the Arklay Laboratory, in its upper level mansion guise, being unaware that it was in fact an Umbrella-owned outpost. The survivors were: Chris Redfield, Jill Valentine, Barry Burton and Wesker himself. Separating from the others, Wesker co-ordinated behind the scenes, retreating to a secret room within the mansion filled with monitors which allowed him to collect combat data on S.T.A.R.S. encounters with the facilitys B.O.W.s. Wesker surfaced only briefly in order to assassinate Enrico Marini, who knew the truth, as well as to lure the surviving members back into the mansion, release the Hunter B.O.W.s and remind Barry of his predicament. Wesker injected himself with the prototype virus he obtained from Birkin, planning to have the Tyrant kill him. He then had Barry lure Chris and Jill into the facilitys lowest level laboratory, where Wesker was waiting. He explained the reasons for being there, as well as his plan to sever himself from Umbrella. Then, Wesker released the Tyrant, allowing it to attack him. Chris and Jill fought the creature and eventually killed it on the heliport of the laboratory, where they were later rescued by S.T.A.R.S. member Brad Vickers. Wesker, however, was not dead. The prototype virus had revived him. It allowed him to obtain super physical ability, and through the complete recombination of his cells, the toughness of his body was improved, making him unlikely to be harmed through conventional means, resulting in him being nigh-invulnerable to bullets and explosions. His muscle power was also highly enhanced, granting him super strength and enabling him the ability to leap heights and distances unthinkable of a human being. Other improvements included his cardiovascular and nervous systems, and a footspeed surpassing that of a cheetah, possibly due to an increase in density of his mitochondria. A miraculous healing ability also surfaced, most likely as a result of an improved metabolism. Making his way through the mansion to escape, he finished off Lisa Trevor before departing, running with new-found speed away from the facility through Raccoon Forest. Watching from outside as the mansion exploded, he was then officially severed from Umbrella and presumed dead for many months. His official report of death was filed on August 28, 1998. 17 While Wesker was reborn and succeeded in retrieving some research data from the facility such as the Hunter data, the interference of Sergei Vladimir backing up all of the data in the facility to the U.M.F.-013 and removing Weskers access prevented him from stealing the rest of Umbrellas research data from the Arklay Laboratory. This, along with the destruction of the Tyrant at the hands of Chris and Jill preventing him from acquiring its combat data, dealt a significant blow to his plans and tarnished his reputation within his new company. In response, Wesker turned to his backup plan in order to regain his lost honor and pride: the recovery of the G-virus developed by William Birkin. Weskers retrieval of the Hunter research data allowed his new employers to develop the improved Hunter II and its Sweeper subspecies.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 12:55:25 +0000

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