Album: Free! Eternal Summer Drama CD vol.2 Track 10: An Encounter - TopicsExpress


Album: Free! Eternal Summer Drama CD vol.2 Track 10: An Encounter on a Winter Day Makoto: Hmm… Which one is better? Haru, what do you think? Haruka: Either is fine. Makoto: Don’t say that… Haruka: Instead of the one you’re holding, this is better, right? Makoto: Can I see that? Kisumi: Eh, Makoto? And Haru? Makoto: Ah, Kisumi? Kisumi: What a coincidence, are you two out shopping? Makoto: Yeah, we’re shopping for coats. It’s almost the exam period and it’ll be bad to catch a cold, so I wanted to get a coat to keep warm. Kisumi: Let me see… Hmm, what do you think of this one? The colour suits Makoto. Makoto: Really? It does seem pretty nice. Kisumi: Right? Haruka: You already have this type of coat. Makoto: Eh? Is that so? Kisumi: Then, how about this one? Hmm…I’ve felt it the last time we met but Makoto is really tall, huh. You seem taller than me a little? About 183cm, right? Makoto: You’re right! Kisumi, you’re amazing! Kisumi: Wow, that’s great. You’re becoming more suitable for playing basketball. Let’s play together next time, as a relief from school? Makoto: Haru, what do you think? Haruka: Too troublesome. Kisumi: Haru’s still as cold as ever… Oh, right, I have something good! Makoto: Something good? Kisumi: Ah… look! Coupons for a cake buffet restaurant! The restaurant is in this building, why don’t we go together? Makoto: Uh…it’s not very convenient for us to go. Kisumi: Everyone says the food in this restaurant taste great, especially the chocolate cake, very popular. Makoto: Chocolate cake…? Kisumi: Don’t make that face. C’mon Haru, let’s go together. Haruka: Stop putting your arm on my shoulder all the time, I don’t want to go. Kisumi: Don’t be so cold, Makoto is going, right? Haruka: Makoto! Makoto: Umm…since it’s a rare opportunity, why don’t we go? Ah, only if Haru is okay with it… Haruka: (sigh) Fine. Kisumi: That’s great~ Let’s hurry. Eh, Sousuke! Sosuke: Eh? Kisumi: (runs there) Eeeehh, what’s going on, are you here to shop? Sosuke: (sigh) Yeah, I suppose. Kisumi: Whoa, another great coincidence. I just bumped into Haru and Makoto, look, they’re there. Makoto: Ah… That… Kisumi: Oh, right. We’re going to go to a cake buffet, why don’t you come with us, Sousuke? Sosuke: I’m not going. Kisumi: Ahh… Sousuke and Haru are both so cold… I keep getting dumped. Sosuke: Aren’t you already going with them, isn’t that enough… Kisumi: It’s rare that we could meet up, just accompany me for a while. C’mon. Sosuke: Hey, stop that. Kisumi: You’ve waited long. Thanks for watching over the seats, Sousuke. Sosuke: Speaking of which, how many cakes did you guys take [TL note: he meant it in a way that they took too much] Makoto:: Kisumi was amazing. Even though there were so many people, he managed to successfully grab the cakes so quickly. It’s really surprising. Kisumi: Haha, is it that surprising? Here, this is Sousuke’s portion. Sosuke: Nah, I can’t finish that many. Kisumi: This place’s cakes are really tasty. You can surprisingly gobble down a lot. Makoto: Ah, that’s true. The chocolate cake is so delicious! Kisumi: Right? Makoto: Mmhm! It was really worth Kisumi’s recommendation. Haruka: Makoto, do you want to try this Makoto: Eh, Haru you don’t want it anymore? Haruka: I’ve already had enough, it’s too sweet. Makoto: (laugh) Then I’ll accept it. Sosuke: You sure can eat a lot. Makoto: I like eating sweet foods, though it’s a tad embarrassing to say that. Kisumi: Come to think of it, today is truly remarkable. To occasionally go out and be able to run into so many classmates, it makes me so happy. Makoto: It really is a coincidence. Kisumi: Oh yeah, Sousuke, you’re not with Rin? That’s rare. Sosuke: Mmhm. Kisumi: That’s a pity, I wanted to see Rin. (laugh) Back then, Rin, Sousuke and I used to play a lot together! Football and all sorts. Makoto: Oh? So it’s like that! Kisumi: (laughs) Rin that guy, he’s really passionate when playing sports. There was once Sousuke and Rin were in different teams, it was amazing. Sosuke: He said whoever scored the most goals would win, so he desperately shot as many goals as he could. Kisumi: But when Sousuke was the goalkeeper, most shots were guarded. Sosuke: Yeah, he was so desperate because of those silly things. Makoto: Such things happened before, that’s so like Rin. Haruka: We should mention this to Rin next time, huh? Makoto: If we do, Rin will get mad, wouldn’t he? Kisumi: But Sousuke also gradually got really passionate back then, he even said “Too bad Rin, I’m the most invincible regardless of what sport it is…” Sosuke: Idiot, shut up! Kisumi: Eh…but what came after was even more interesting… (bite) Oh! Makoto, try this! The sauce inside taste really good. Makoto: Oh, thanks…but there’s no space on my plate right now. Kisumi: Oh…then how about this? Come here, ah~unn. Makoto: Ah, there’s no need for that… Kisumi: Come on, no need to be shy… Here. Haru, don’t stare at me like that. Don’t be mad, don’t be mad. Haruka: I’m not staring at you. Kisumi: Here, Haru do you want some? Haruka: I don’t want anymore. Kisumi: Eh, in middle school, didn’t I used to feed you before… Makoto: Is that true?! Kisumi: While eating during break, I fed Haru before. Haruka: Hey stop talking already! Kisumi: Mmm…you’re not letting me speak again…Sousuke and Haru are both too much, right, Makoto? Sosuke: Of course I wouldn’t let you talk about it! Haruka&Sosuke:: Whatever he said halfway earlier, you all should just forget about it right now! Makoto: (in his mind: they both agreed on the same thing…) Kisumi: Waa…you guys are too much…Oh, right, Makoto too, when we were in class back in middle school, to me he… Makoto: Ahhh don’t bring that up! Kisumi: Eh…everyone is so mean. It’s rare that we get to gather together, it’s only normal to bring up fond memories we miss from back then at times like this. Sosuke: Miss… It’s because you keep bringing up embarrassing stories! Makoto: Anyway, let’s finish eating, okay?! Haruka: Yeah. Kisumi: (laugh) It feels like everyone hasn’t changed. We haven’t seen each other for a while, but to be able to chat together like this is nice. It’ll be great if we can gather like this again next time. Next time we should bring Rin along. Makoto: Yeah! Oh, this is bad, it’s almost time, I have to leave the restaurant now. Kisumi: Eh, it’s already time? That was fast. Do you want to hang out some other time? Haruka&Sosuke: I’m going back. Kisumi: You two sure are cold. (laugh) But, that’s just like you guys. Makoto: (laugh) That’s true.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 05:32:00 +0000

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