Aldean Josephs Birth Story: Saturday, July 12th started out like - TopicsExpress


Aldean Josephs Birth Story: Saturday, July 12th started out like about every other weekend - DH and I working on the house trying to finish up the huge remodel project we started 2 years ago. Our plan for the day was to work on Aldeans room a little, get the vehicles cleaned out and get Aldeans car seat in and ready to go (just in case) and then head to my nieces birthday party. After some hard work, I went to take a shower around 2:30pm to get ready for the birthday party. It was then I noticed that my cotton capri bottoms were soaked! I though, wow, I know it is really hot outside and I was sweating a lot but I had never sweated like that. I had just a moment of thought- what if my water broke? - but then I didnt feel anything so I just jumped in the shower and got ready for the party. Well during the party I was having contractions and not feeling all that great but this was all normal for the past couple of weeks. Later that night around 9pm I found that I was bleeding. Not a lot but enough for me to know that something was happening. I also felt different, like a really strong period and cramping and I knew that this was the real thing and that my water had indeed broke earlier in the day. At this point we had still not packed our hospital bag so I told DH I guess we better get that done. I also text my Doula and let her know that I was bleeding and that my water had broke. We decided to go to bed to see if we could get some rest before the real fun started. Well I laid in bed all night having fairly regular contractions. The longer the night went on, the stronger they got. I lost my mucus plug around midnight. Finally at 6:30am they were strong enough for me to have tears and I woke up my husband and asked him to run me a bath. Part of my birth plan had always been to sit in warm water for a while to relieve the pain of labor/contractions. Well as soon as I got in the bath the contractions intensified strongly. I was only able to stay in about 30 minutes before I had to climb out. I sat on the toilet and had a little panic moment that I had waited too long. The contractions were so intense that I felt like I was going to have my baby right then and there. I told me DH to wake up our nephew (5 years old) who lives with us and get him dressed and we needed to go to the hospital NOW! We arrived at the hospital at 8am, I had text my Doula to meet us there as well as grandmothers and our siblings. The contractions continued to intensify and I was feeling a lot of pain. At the hospital I was taken back to triage and they checked to make sure my water had broke (which it had) and check to see how far along we had made it. Well much to my surprise we were only between a 1-2cm dilated. They checked me in, got an IV in and started and immediately I ordered an epidural. For the next hour my husband and Doula helped me through each contraction one by one - wow they were intense. About 9am the anesthesiologist arrived and I felt instant relief. Wow what a difference it made. By this time quite a few relatives and friends had arrived to see us through and I was able to comfortably visit and chat. I loved our nurses at the hospital, they were always making sure I was comfortable and asked me time and again if there was anything they could do for me. I was allotted as many popsicles, water, ice chips and sprite that I wanted. Also, when the epidural started they also started me on Pitocin and antibiotics since my water had already broke. They day wore on, and on - each time they checked me I had progressed, but ever so slowly. Around 1cm per hour to two hours. At the beginning of the day I was told that they would only give me up to a 12 with the Pitocin, well each time they checked me they kept rising it and rising it. Also as the day wore on my epidural bags would run out and I would have to have those replaced as well. At one point I started feeling the contractions again and they even gave me a booster shot of the meds. My doctor had said that morning that we should be delivered by 10pm - the later it go the later the time got. He was still hoping it would be by 12am but that time came and went and still no baby. I had dilated to a 9.5 by 12am and so we just kept thinking - ANY TIME NOW!! Again, the Pitocin was just rising and rising and making me sicker and sicker. Throughout the day I vomited numerous times and had a fever as well. At some point in the early morning hours of Monday the 14th they started putting me in different positions - you see baby Aldean was posterior and I was still not progressing. The doctor tried to turn babys head but was not successful. So instead I was put into position after position to try and get his head to turn and to get me to dilate the 1/2cm we needed. Just before 5am still nothing had happened so we started pushing. I pushed in about every type of position you can imagine even with the epidural I was able to get into and do about everything they asked. The nurses all agreed I was a great pusher - but even so almost 2 hours later still no progress. The Pitocin was up to 32, I was on my (I believe) my 4th bag of antibiotics and (I believe) my 4th bag of epidural. Finally just a bit after 6:30am my doctor said enough is enough and we needed to get this show on the road. Luckily baby had tolerated everything so well and he showed no distress even after so much. As soon as they decided C-section it took only a matter of moments for everyone to rush around and get everything ready. Before I knew it I was whisked away to the operating room. To say I was a little overwhelmed was an understatement. I had been up since Saturday morning, minus a few very short naps. Everyone in the operating room was already fully dressed in their scrubs and I couldnt tell who anyone was. My DH of course was not allowed in the room yet. I anxiously looked around for my doctor and finally when I spotted him I called him over and asked him if while he was in there if he could please remove my very large fibroid that was off the left side of my uterus. He said okay and I was once again pumped full of medications which in turn made me vomit once again. I am almost positive they started cutting on me when I asked where my husband was - they had forgotten him! They quickly went and got him and it was literally 45 seconds once he arrived before we heard Aldean sqawk and we knew he was out. I kept saying to my husband, camera, camera, camera. He then lifted our camera above the paper screen and snapped some photos. They then lifted him up and showed us his little face and body. My husband was so kind to ask that Aldean be put onto my chest even if just for a few minutes to get some skin to skin time. They agreed and once they cleaned him off they put him on me and it was ohhhhhhhh so special! I was crying of course and could barely see him over the oxygen mask but I treasured those 2 minutes. They then whisked baby off to get his weight and all that good stuff. I told my husband to stay with Aldean and to not leave his side. His apgar scores were 8, 9; he weighted 7.3lbs, he was 20.5 inches long, and he was perfect in every way. He had no problems what so ever even though he was two weeks early and just been through heck of a labor Baby and DH then left the room to go to recovery and I was left there for them to work on the removal of my fibroid. I can tell you that I could literally feel them removing my uterus from my body and then when they put it back in- more painful than anything else that I had experienced in the last 42 hours. I asked the anesthesiologist for more meds and he obliged. More than an hour later I was wheeled into recovery to officially meet my son. I can tell you that I was very delirious by this point and getting sick again. I breastfed Aldean immediately and had him skin to skin. I dont remember much about what was discussed at that point but I do remember them showing me the fibroid which was about he size of my fist. After a few hours in recovery we were taken to our room and the bonding with our brand new son began. My DH and I want to thank everyone for their support over the past few years/months. It took everything we had to get this little miracle here emotionally, physically, and financially, but we are just amazed that this little guy will call us mom and dad. I really didnt know if we would ever become parents to a bio child and I still stare at him and just cant believe that he is actually ours forever. There have been so many ups and downs during this roller coaster of a journey to become parents and we just hope we can be the best parents that we can for this little joy!
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 19:06:40 +0000

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