Alek, This is your Dad writing this. Yes, Im in your Facebook - TopicsExpress


Alek, This is your Dad writing this. Yes, Im in your Facebook account. One day youll change your password and I wont be able to get it from you. Time flies, sir. Today you are 12, on the cusp of becoming a young man. Your first day of life was one where I drove your Momma to Parkland (yes, not even a nice private hospital) in a borrowed truck. I felt lost at that time, but I knew you were meant to be. It was known that you only had two blood vessels in your umbilical cord, and the Doctor that delivered you clearly looked concerned - she feared your kidneys might not be functional, but then you peed right in her arms as if to say Im ok. You didnt look as beautiful to me as everyone said you were. You were born underweight - so you just looked all red and very skinny to me. A few hours later I saw you open your eyes, and I told your Momma that you had a perfect hairstyle, sideburns like Elvis, and the eyes of an old man. I still wasnt so impressed, sir. Today, I can tell you that I am your greatest fan and admirer even though most times you might feel that I am only cold and critical. You are a very spiritual child, very smart, very sweet, very gifted, and someone to whom I look to when I am struggling with my faith in God. What I admire most about you is not your boxing or this crazy stage presence that you posses, but that every single night whether you had a good day, or bad day, a win, or a loss, you always end your day by reading that Bible that I bought for myself but never read. You always remind me to say grace when I have already started to eat. This is what I admire about you most, sir. I am sure that life will throw many challenges, temptations, and dark days your way as he does for all of us, but I hope that you stay true to that one thing that makes you most special - your faith in God. Happy birthday, and may God bless you in all your days be they few or many. P.S. After your loss in the semi-finals at Ringside, you asked your Momma why God would let people steal that from you, and I think she didnt know exactly what to say. No sir, God didnt let that happen. God lets us all do what we want be it right or wrong. You do your thing, control the things you can, and accept the things you have no control over with dignity and grace.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 16:45:44 +0000

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