Alert!!! My 1st wedding anniversary was few days back and as it - TopicsExpress


Alert!!! My 1st wedding anniversary was few days back and as it were, my family is on the road to anniversary number 2, yet it seems we got married just last saturday. That aside, one of the burning desire in my heart since January 11th, 2014 has been sharing a post on how my wife and I managed to have our wedding not just successful, but sweet, to say the least. It is worthy to note that the wedding plans was less than 6 months, infact my mentor gave us the go ahead sometime around October. So we actually started making concrete arrangement from that time. We did have a great, memorable and successful wedding, yet, we made some mistakes that we wish no other person planning for wedding should make. Also, we had some strategies that worked for us. So we have a mix of what we did well and may not have done well for intending couples. I wish to call this series; HOW TO PREPARE FOR. YOUR WEDDING; 1. Let your preparations be for your Marriage and not for your wedding alone. A lot of us are keen on seeing ourselves in sparkling ccostumes and attires on our wedding day. Most of the times, we spend all our time, money and even hearts in preparing for one day forgetting we will stay together forever. No wonder, most marriages starts to suffer after the wedding. People gathers to cheer you to kiss, dance, feed yourselves and even get you in the mood for the night, but thats all they can do. Their job stops there. So why think, plan and kill yourselves for them whereas the actual person you should die to please is being neglected. Wedding is just a day and marriage is forever. People that prepare for the latter will have a glorious home, while those that concentrated their efforts for the former will suffer and regret in their homes. As you withdraw from the bank, invite people, engage families and friends and even associates, be aware that it is your marriage and not just a wedding. I was told of a girl who went to sleep with a man just to have money to do her wedding, well, I dont blame her, because all she ever wanted was to have a wedding and not the marriage. The story definitely ended as your guess, the young man got to know 2 days after the wedding and that packed it up. Please dear friends, plan for your marriage. Make reservations in your bank accounts. Keep some food stuffs, avoid some friends that may become problematic to your marriage and only do what will ultimately benefit your marriage. During my white wedding reception, I got offended by my wifes refusal to take a snap shot with a friend complaining that she was tired, while I was still angry, I got a voice You want to be angry with your WIFE because of a FRIEND?. Immediately I called myself to order. This is my wife with whom I will live with forever and that is my friend, whose contributions to my marriage may be zero I concluded. I havent seen that friend of mine after my wedding though we have spoken sometimes. It therefore meant, if I have allowed that anger to persist, I would have layed a wrong foundation for my home because of a temporal condition. Your marriage is the ultimate, not the wedding. If what you wish to do in your wedding will affect the peace, progress, unity and development of your marriage, please stay away from it. To be continued... -king Joel AGHO
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 12:23:48 +0000

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