Alert: Railroad Safety is at Stake! We dont let Commercial - TopicsExpress


Alert: Railroad Safety is at Stake! We dont let Commercial Airline Companies to get away with one pilot. Why? Because no ones health is always perfect. A pilot could get suddenly ill and pass out...then what? This risk is why there are two man crews on 100 car trains. Why should we run the risk of having a railroad engineer go berserk with no one to stop him and do some terrible damage? Arent two sets of eyes better than one...especially with all the terrorism and open borders? The Fascists in the Railroad Industry have made a deal with their buddies in Congress to increase the risk of public safety in order to thicken the wallets of investment bankers and their clients on Wall Street. That is why a bill to stop this danger has been written to protect public safety. Now is the time to contact your legislators in the House of Representatives and ask them to co-sponsor and support H.R. 3040. When the public awareness of a problem is low and other issues are distracting the voters, fascist take the opportunity to change rules and laws with little to no fanfare. I was made aware of this regulation change that would make it more likely that terrorists can access railroad trains. Sure, this saves a Wall Street owned enterprise a very small percentage on wages and hours at the expense of the public. But railroads not free enterprise entities, they are publically owned enterprises. They want exemptions that private enterprises would never get away with. The Association of American Railroads (AAR) and the American Short Line and Regional Railroad Association (ASLRRA) last year sent memos to Capitol Hill opposing this important piece of legislation, stating in part: “H.R. 3040 mandates freight trains operate with a certified locomotive engineer and a certified conductor without taking into consideration the realities of current industry practices and the overall rail safety record in the United States.” Dont let fascist get another leg up on us. Please contact your Congressman and Senator. They will be on recess for the next month. But their office staff is on duty and they will be at town halls everywhere. Please let them know that public safety is your concern. We need two pilots on every locomotive just as much as we need two pilots on every commercial airliner. Here is a link to the bill:
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 15:14:05 +0000

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