Alert from Cindy Goode: Im not sure where to share this but feel - TopicsExpress


Alert from Cindy Goode: Im not sure where to share this but feel ppl should know. all started because my right eye was drooping. It has for years. I honestly thought it was a family trait. After it getting worse over the past year..I attributed to stress mom sick with cancer and me sick..intersticial cystitis... Ive never had any type of plastic surgery done but that eye was bugging who wants to have to prop their eyelid up to read the paper... I went to a reputable doctor and he suggested a blepharoplasty on both eyes and a brow lift... Everything went fine and I was supposed to be great in 7-10 days... Well..first it felt like I had gunk in my eyes. That turned to feeling like scratches... Soon it felt like ice picks were being jabbed into both eyeballs to my brain.. It was hell.. My gosh the pain... I kept calling the doctor and they didnt pay much attention... Finally one day they called back and I was screaming my head off the pain was so bad... They had me immediately go to a doctor..only one in the state...he is an ophthalmologist and plastic surgeon. Id never heard of him or wouldve gone to him from the start... Oh do I wish Id heard of him first!!! ..anyway...I had corneal ulcers covering both eyes. He sewed one eye shut for little over two weeks. Today I got off the bandaid contact that was on the other eye for over a week. When I went to the second doctor the first question he asked me. Was if I had any underlying illnesses. I had already of course told the first doctor all about the Lyme disease but he paid no attention... As it turns out I have neurotrophic corneas...caused by damage to the nerves to my eyes..from Lyme disease... I had to spend a month in a dark room...light killed me..and the pain was hell already... I cant tell u how awful it was Lisa... I just now started seeing in the past few days..I have to continue the eye ointment every two hours 24/7 and go back next week.. Im not sure when its all going to be over... My eyes are evidently damaged and also extremely dry.. I suppose I knew they were dry but had no idea how much so.. Who pays attention to that when you have lots of other issues?? ... Today I was talking to the opthamologist/plastic surgeon... I asked him about this,. And why didnt every doctor test a persons corneas before surgery... He said they wouldnt see a person like me at a regular plastic surgeons office every ten or twenty yrs.. He tests the corneas but a regular plastic surgeon doesnt... Like I said I wish Id gone to the second doctor first..if only Id known!! The second doctor was also extremely up on Lyme disease and said he has a number of patients with Lyme and eye issues....I truly wouldnt wish this on anyone. I apologize for any typos on this... Things are so much better but still on the blurry side... Feel free to share this.. Like I said..nobody should ever go through all of this... I hope you are doing well and have a great Fourth!!...
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 02:35:05 +0000

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