Alert.....this post contains spoilers So today we take a look - TopicsExpress


Alert.....this post contains spoilers So today we take a look at the latest offering from director Wes Anderson, the film in question is of course The Grand Budapest Hotel. Before I get to the film itself Id be remiss if I didnt take a quick look at Anderson as a director and the work that he has produced. All of Andersons films can be considered polarising, he has a definitive style that could just as easily turn off the average cinema goer as it could entice them in with its simplistic yet intricate genius. From the days of Rushmore, through the Royal Tenanbaums, The Life Aquatic and up to Budapest Hotel Anderson brings a style very much his own, in fact Im not sure there is another director that even comes close to him. He is also part of an elite group of directors who like to work with certain actors/actresses that they know and trust although his partnership is less well known as others. Burton has Depp, Raimi has Campbell but Anderson has multiple actors he always seems to return to. Out of his 13 directorial credits he has worked with Jason Schwartzman no less than 8 times and the legend that is Bill Murray on 7 different occasions. Each of his films is unique, whilst the plots may not necessarily be anything exceptional the manner in which Anderson directs them separates them from the crowd. Take Budapest Hotel for instance. The film at its heart is a simple murder caper, somebody is wrongly accused of the crime and breaks out of prison to clear their name and claim what is rightfully theirs. The characterisations, brilliantly selected cast and fantastic visuals however are what set Anderson and in particular this film apart. Whilst it is a comedy it is not of the laugh out loud gag a minute nature of say the Abrahams and Zuckerman movies such as Airplane and The Naked Gun films. No Andersons work is much more subtle, much more thought provoking in its humour than those I have just mentioned. I can understand why some people may not be too enamoured with his work but they are in truth works of art that deserve to be appreciated and enjoyed for what they are. The Grand Budapest Hotel has some brilliant performances from the lead actors and also has some great cameos from the likes of Harvey Keitel, Ed Norton and Jeff Goldblum. It is not in truth my favourite Anderson film as I absolutely love The Life Aquatic but Grand Budapest comes mighty close and is a definite must see. It scores a mighty strong 8 out of 10.
Posted on: Mon, 23 Jun 2014 10:51:51 +0000

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