Alexander the Great bust has been found in Cyprus A second - TopicsExpress


Alexander the Great bust has been found in Cyprus A second basilica, brought to light by archaeologists, at Properties of Plakoton Verde Cyprus, the position of the British bases. Excavations of the Antiquities Department, the area is in progress since 2007, when it was revealed the first royal. However, the news is not the only important finding, as revealed and marble column with the bust of Alexander the Great , as a personification of the Byzantine emperor Heraklion, as it is created later and is a new Alexander. According to the EIA, the two basilicas are part of a monumental church complex, which, as said in a statement at a conference of Metropolis Constance - Famagusta business of excavation, archaeological A worker of the Department of Antiquities, Dr. Helen Prokopios associated with Amathousio St. John the Merciful, Patriarch of Alexandria, patron of Limassol. The first basilica is martyrdom, ie funerary monument, in the form of church with transept (Figure T), in reverse order. Width is 36 meters long and 29 without prominent polygonal apse in the west, where there is less inscribed funerary arch diameter of 2.25 meters. In its communication, Dr. Prokopios made that statement that the freshly revealed basilica, is a martyrdom. The excavation began only last year and is 20m wide and lengths beyond 47 meters. However, the entire edifice of this is martyrdom of the end of the second decade of the 7th century. The construction of the building is determined with an accuracy of between 616 to 617 AD Clearly, under the act Prokopios, that both are part of the royal ecclesiastical assembly, but it is not yet clear if the church found in the east, is the main, or there is another, larger, in the north wing of the complex . The monument to the Properties of Plakoton is directly related to the migrations during the rather the Persian invasions, despite the Arab. About Dr. Prokopios mentions inter alia: - The location is not known to the sources, nor settlement, bishopric, or pilgrimage center, but only as a port of Curium. Somewhere, not displayed and the name Kargaia perhaps a corruption of the Coast Argives, who says Stefanos Louizinian. These reports match the legends for parking in the Byzantine fleet to St Helena. - The name Properties refers to the temporary residence permit, which is confirmed by the fact that the monument was destroyed in the 7th century, after having been abandoned and had even left homeless in the central aisles. - It shows striking similarity with Saint Menas of Egypt Mareotidas, abandoned and destroyed in 616 and reconstructed after 640. - Refers to the ancient rituals of the East. It has been symbolic link it with the Persians, Heraclius, and the weight was borne to evict them from the Eastern Provinces, which, because of heresy, finally happened, what the Ninevites. All this, according to Mr Prokopios, could not help but call to mind the text of Leontius of Neapolis for projects of immense charity of Amathusians Alexandria Patriarch John the Merciful, and through that should be included in the monument Properties of Plakoton. During his tenure at Holy Patriarchate of Alexandria, and while she was in Cyprus, between the years 617 to 619, worked to redeem captives and recovery of victims of the Persian invasions (clergy and laity), but also to price holy relics and heirlooms that had eftelisei their actions Persians. When he started the siege, was forced to leave Alexandria and as reported by Nikon in the 11th century, was not alone, but had with him a small number of people from the congregation. It is estimated that even with him was the Patriarch of Jerusalem, Sophronius, which already housed in Alexandria. Specifically stated that Eleimonas Patriarch erected in Cyprus between 617-619 a divine house, in which deposited the relics of the Protomartyr Stephen and Brother James, to whom he dedicated his whole personal estate. The reception and honors the sacred relics and ruins of the Holy Land, as well as hosting refugees, people and clergy from neighboring Patriarchy is the only interpretation that fits the wondrous edifice of Akrotiri and epigraphic evidence is not excluded at some point to identify the best there is happening now, says Dr. Prokopios.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Apr 2014 07:10:18 +0000

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