Alfie Eskander Why Should We Forgive People Who Hurt Us? Q: I - TopicsExpress


Alfie Eskander Why Should We Forgive People Who Hurt Us? Q: I know Jesus said were supposed to forgive people whove hurt us, but why bother? As far as I can tell, it doesnt really change them, nor does it make the hurts go away. -- P.L. A: Admittedly, forgiving someone whos hurt us doesnt always change them. Instead, they may laugh at us, or cynically accuse us of being insincere and only trying to manipulate them. They also may keep blaming us for what happened, just as theyve always done. But occasionally it will change them -- sometimes in surprising ways. But let me tell you what will happen if you truly forgive someone who has hurt you. No, it may not change them, but it will change you. You see, an unforgiving spirit produces all kinds of negative emotions in us -- anger, bitterness, depression, jealousy, hate, and so forth. Any of those easily becomes a spiritual and emotional poison, eating away at our souls and turning us into unloving (and unlovable) people. This is why the Bible commands us to Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger (Ephesians 4:31). How can you forgive someone who has hurt you? You may think its impossible -- but with Gods help you can. The key is first to accept Gods forgiveness, by receiving the free gift of salvation He offers you in Jesus Christ. We dont deserve Gods forgiveness, but on the cross all of our sins were placed in Christ, and He took the judgment we deserve. Have you turned to Him for the forgiveness you need? Then forgive others the same way Christ has forgiven you -- freely and fully. Not only will God release you from an unforgiving spirit, but He even may use you to change the life of the person youve forgiven.
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 19:22:25 +0000

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