Algerian Recipe :Tagine of Chicken with spices, candied lemons and - TopicsExpress


Algerian Recipe :Tagine of Chicken with spices, candied lemons and olives 4-5, based on past research by me internet, because I have not found anything that I really liked. A truly delicious to interpret as you wish, vary the pleasures Tajine, change, everything for nothing! T-Tajine_de_poulet_aux_olives12 The photo is not me she just does not too corresponds to my recipe but its better with! Recipe that requires a lot of establishment as they say, that is to say, of preparation. You will need: 3 large chicken thighs 2 beautiful onions Juice of 1 lemon 2 or 3 cloves garlic 2 bunches of cilantro 1 bunch of parsley 1 Cases of powdered ginger 1 Cases of coriander powder 1 Case shaved garlic powder 1 Cac ground cinnamon (optional) ½ Cac saffron powder (or a good pinch of filaments) 1 Cases of turmeric 1 Cac cumin 1 good Raz el Hanout Case 300 grams of green and black olives 3 lemons salt Olive oil, salt Grate onion, medium grid, book Chop finely the other (across, it will melt much better), book Separate up from down chicken thighs, remove the skin (I had not done and I found 2cm fat frozen the next day ...) and hack lightly with a sharp knife on half inch thick (to better penetrate the spice mixture) Chop, not too late, a bunch of cilantro and half of parsley Crush garlic cream Prepare cream with spices: 1 bunch cilantro, chopped ½ bunch parsley, garlic puree, ginger powder (cinnamon), saffron, turmeric (cumin), coriander powder, garlic powder, lemon juice, a good swig of olive oil, mix well to get a nice paste / cream. Dip the chicken in the spice mixture, massage well until absorbed the flavors in the meat, reserve (minimum 1 hour, max 24), film and book. In a tagine or otherwise in a cast iron pot, pour 1 case of olive oil, chopped onion, let cook 2 minutes and pour the chicken with all the spices, Raz el hanout (or four spices) Pour hot water to arrive almost at the chicken, mix and cook for 45 without boiling, cover and heat to low. The flesh of the chicken are coming off the bone and remain very soft During cooking dessalez olives are blanched for a time or two, cut them in lengthwise Chop, not finely, remaining parsley and remaining coriander boot Cut the lemons into 6 or 8 depending on what you want to end up in the mouth Pour into the pan and let it heat for 5-7 minutes, season to taste (be careful lemons and olives are salty) and serve in warmed plates. If you have too much liquid, reduce it apart in a saucepan attention to salt it does not evaporate. I have served with semolina and butter steamed carrot sticks butter, super flux. It was a great moment to see gourmet taste, a real explosion of flavors with a sublime harmony of spices! It was also the result of an afternoon private lesson (my first) that I gave to my sweet and my daughter almost 12 years as a teacher I was highly rated (4.5 / 5 ) I had as comments (very positive) to have a little more humor and that everything was a little more fun, highly rated! In any case, they were passionate and shall, within the next month to make me a tagine, delicious needless to say! As you understand it is cooked with water, with spices in muffled from this principle you can vary the pleasure infinity! Add stuff crunchy, roasted, sweet stuff, soft, short but fun!
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 11:42:21 +0000

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