Algonquin Debate on Whether or Not to Sign Treaty Although - TopicsExpress


Algonquin Debate on Whether or Not to Sign Treaty Although there has been a lot of talk on whether or not the proposed terms of the Treaty are acceptable, I noticed that many people have based their decision only on two components; being the 110,000 acres of land, and 300 million dollars in compensation. While I agree that this offer falls far short of what we are entitled to, I believe the majority of Algonquins are over-looking other components that are no less important; especially the areas of self-government, and whether or not we will have any say in how the resources and lands within the territory are managed. I really cannot say it more simpler than this; If we sell off our land, we will not have what we need to survive, and we will be turning our backs on all that makes us who we are. It has always been the way of our people to protect and respect the land and all living things. Our people knew this was crucial to their survival. This is no less important today, than it was almost 200 years ago. In fact, it is more important today; as we have less to sustain us.I will now set out to illustrate to you, just how important it is that we do not accept the proposed terms, and I will do it based on what is happening in the world today. Everywhere we go, and every way we turn, people are talking about the terrible times we are in; with drought, famine, and wars across the globe. In response, people are making preparations, and its not only the extremists who are doing so, but governments, the rich, and powerful elite. Canada has now become the leader in deforestation; and in our own territory, there are very few areas that are capable of sustaining our people.The point of the matter is this, its no longer a debate about money, its about having land and resources to sustain our people, and the power to manage and protect our land and people. One last point, you see so many groups now working to undo treaties, and have governments honor their commitments, why would you want to put yourself in the situation they are in? You must do the right thing, and say NO. Tell your representatives that you no longer believe that the current terms of the Treaty will protect the interests of our people. More importantly, you MUST actively ensure everyone else is aware of this. Its the ones who dont participate, and have no knowledge about what is going on, and only concerned about getting a little something now, who will vote YES. They dont think about the future, or the present, because they are not involved; and this only contributes to the problem. May the Creator and the Great Spirit guide you to do what is right.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 00:02:00 +0000

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