Alhamdulilah, after years of hard work, dedication and sleepless - TopicsExpress


Alhamdulilah, after years of hard work, dedication and sleepless nights, I have completed my second degree, I wanna thank my god who simplified to complete my second degree, alhamdulilah, I wanna thank my lovely parents special my Mom and Dad, You have been an outstanding inspiration to me. Getting to this stage in my life has taken a lot of work, but it is nothing compared to how you worked and sacrificed for me. You are the number one reason I am where I am today. Without your continued support I could never have accomplished so much, Thank you for the opportunity youve given me to pursue my dreams, Thank you for teaching me to believe in myself while always pushing me to do better. Your advice has helped me to make both the easy and hard decisions and your support has given me the confidence to follow through. May Allah bless on my Parents, may Allah guide them to Paradise, May Allah give them long life which is full of happiness, May Allah wash all sorrows and misdemeanors of my Parents. I wanna thank all my classmates, friends and relative. Those are supporting, encouraging and loving me. Lastly not least I wanna thank my dearest lecturers and my dissertation supervisor Prof. Okhoth Charles. Thank you for being very kind and patient and also for being role model to me. Respect for you will remain in my heart forever. Lastly I wanna thank allah SWT for giving me the strength and courage to complete this opportunity. Dadaal iyo juhdi dheer aan ku soo bixiyey sidii aan ku soo gaari lahaa halka aan manta jogo iina ah farxad aanan la soo goobi Karin in aan soo dhamaystirey degree kaygii labaad waxaa mahad aanan la soo koobi Karin iska leh una sugnatey allah subxana watacala ii fududeyey iyo waalidinteydii igu dhiiri galiyey dhan walba. Waxa kale oo aan mahad celin halkan uga diriya dhaman asxabteydii qaliga ahayd kuwan isku classka ahayn iyo kuwan jamacada isla dhigan jirnayba halkan kuma so gobi karo magacyadoda iyo dhamaan macaliminteydii waxan leyahay mar labad iyo mar sadexadba wad ku mahad santihin dadaalkii iyo juhdigii dheraa ee aynu isla soo qaadanay….. ALHAMDUILAH RABIL ALAMIN
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 20:36:51 +0000

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