Alia Indrawan wrote this in a post on her she - TopicsExpress


Alia Indrawan wrote this in a post on her she wrote it for me. the importance of living from the heart space. Seeing one another fully and completely. Allowing emotions to be felt and expressed. Getting real with each other. Letting our guards down and our vulnerabilities rise to the surface. Of loving… Now, more than ever before, is the time. There are so many people in this world who are hurting. Confusion, shame, feelings of worthlessness, feeling invisible – these are now becoming the “norm” in our society. We don’t need to dwell upon the darkness in any way. It’s not about focusing on the problem, protesting things, or going down spirals of negativity. The answers at this time are not about gun control laws, better security, locking people up for life, or spending countless hours trying to figure out why. It’s so much deeper than that. What it IS about is acknowledging that these things are happening, lifting the veils of shame and blame, and bringing it into the light. The answers are revealed in the cracks in the armor of the wounded soul whose pain is too much to bear. They’re found in the honest acknowledgment that there are things we’ll never fully understand. And, the answers reside in the intentional spaces of light, peace, and love that we create in community, with our families, and during our quiet times alone. We know that LOVE is the answer. Yet so many people say to me, “HOW do I love when all of this has happened to me?” or “I don’t even know what love is.” Our examples of love are often confusing. Perhaps it’s time to approach all of this in ways we haven’t explored before. Let’s come together and acknowledge that we don’t always know how to do this – but we’re willing to open up to new ways of living – of being – of loving. We’re being invited to look into the eyes and hearts of those around us, see them for the beauty of who they really are, and reflect that back to them. All it takes is a willingness. The “how” will unfold from there. There’s so much beauty in this world. Sometimes it seems that the lights have all gone out and darkness is all around us. All it takes is one little pinpoint for the light to shine through. Just one. As I look around me tonight, I see so much hope. I’m not about to give up on humanity. There’s a beautiful little boy in the room next to me who reminds me that there’s a reason for coming together in love. I believe in you – me – us. We will be okay.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Jun 2013 09:49:28 +0000

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