Aligarh Muslim University students should search in themselves the - TopicsExpress


Aligarh Muslim University students should search in themselves the formula for a successful life and career and not in the historical figures”, said the Lt. Governor of Delhi, Shri Najeeb Jung today at the Aligarh Muslim University Athletics Ground. Shri Jung was addressing at the commemoration Meeting held on the occasion of 197th birth anniversary of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, founder of the AMU. Shri Jung said, “It is not important if one receives education at an elite college and university, what really matters is the use of one’s own energy and capability along with the education to reach the height of a reputed career. I have seen some Ivy League college students ending up with nothing in their lives while many AMU students have done wonders around the world”. Shri Jung urged students to develop in them farsightedness and a broad vision towards the situations changing around them every moment. He said that it is the vision of a student, which takes him or her to heights. Quoting Mahatma Gandhi that Sir Syed Ahmad Khan was the prophet of Education, the Lt Governor of Delhi asked the students to carry on Sir Syed’s vision and implement his teachings in their lives. Shri Najeeb Jung also spoke about the role of AMU alumni and their dedicated work in helping students to lead successful practical life after they have graduated. He pointed out that the students of this University are lucky to have such an alumni network and they should avail this facility to sharpen their future prospects. Shri Jung also mentioned his family’s association with the founder of AMU and the Aligarh Muslim University. Earlier, welcoming the guests, The Vice Chancellor, Lt General Zameer Uddin Shah (Retd) said that even though students are his priority, he is committed to conclude all the remaining Selection Committees before the end of this year. He said that the teachers of the University are the foundation of this University. While maintaining his focus on students, the AMU Vice Chancellor said that his responsibility towards AMU students does not end with the conferment of degrees, but it extends to arranging for them best placements. He urged the students to cooperate with him in getting better placement avenues in AMU. The Vice Chancellor also confirmed that besides having placement cells in the respective departments of the University, there will soon be placement cells for AMU students in New Delhi’s Jamia Millia Islamia. General Shah highlighted the importance of getting accreditation from the NAAC and urged all concerned to work hard and make the University an edifice of quality research and academics to get best accreditation, and thus an increased UGC funding. Referring to the Government of India proposal for a Common Entrance Test for all Central Universities, the Vice Chancellor assured that AMU’s minority status will not be disturbed. General Shah informed that AMU has contributed to the Jammu and Kashmir flood relief by donating the money allocated for Sir Syed Day Dinner. While paying tribute to the AMU founder, Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, the Guest of Honor, Dr Abdulaziz Othman Altwaijri, Director General, ISESCO and Secretary General FUIW, Morocco said that Sir Syed Ahmad Khan is not only an inspiration for Indians but Arab visionaries have also benefited from his revolutionary ideas and views that brought a renaissance among the Muslims of Indian subcontinent. He added that people in Western countries, who think that the world is still divided into the developed West and the Oriental East, should look at the example of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan. He said that Sir Syed’s contribution in education has inspired countries all over the world than the European universities. Dr Nadeem A Tarin, General Manager, Salman Al-Terais and Partners Limited, KSA said that the Aligarh Muslim University is completing its 100th years in 202O. He said that the Alumni should come forward with an open heart and dedication to contribute for the betterment of the University Students. He stressed the need for establishing educational institutions at every level to keep the lamp lighted, which was initiated by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan. While welcoming the guests, the AMU Pro-Vice Chancellor, Brigadier S Ahmad Ali spoke about Sir Syed Ahmad Khan’s works and introduced the chief guest and the guests of honor to the gathering. He requested the Lt. Governor of Delhi Shri Najeeb Jung to provide a piece of land in Delhi to the AMU to establish Aligarh House. Professor S M Hashim, Department of Urdu; Dr Roomana Siddiqui, Women’s College and Mr Amin Ahmad and Ms Fakeha Zinjani, students of Engineering and BA respectively, expressed their views on Sir Syed. Shri Najeeb Jung presented Outstanding Researcher of the Year Award-2014 of Rs. One Lakh to Prof Asadullah Khan, Interdisciplinary Biotechnology Unit and Professor M Mursaleen, Department of Mathematics jointly in the science stream. The Sir Syed Innovation of the Year Award-2014 for Rs. One Lakh was presented to AMU’s nanotechnology programme under Professor Alim H. Naqvi and his team. Dr Altwaijri gave away prizes to the winners of all India Essay Writing competition. Dr. Faiza Abbasi presented the winners for the award. The Dean Students Welfare, Professor Anis Ismail proposed a vote of thanks. Dr Shariq Aqil conducted the programme. Shri Najeeb Jung paid floral tribute at Sir Syed’s Mazar and unveiled the plaque of Hameedullah Khan Lecture Room, named after his grandfather.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 03:56:41 +0000

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