All - When I saw this headline I thought it was a joke! - TopicsExpress


All - When I saw this headline I thought it was a joke! “Obama to announce new power initiative for Africa” CAPE TOWN, South Africa (AP) — President Barack Obama on Sunday will announce a new initiative to double access to electric power in sub-Saharan Africa, part of his effort to build on the legacy of equality and opportunity forged by his personal hero, Nelson Mandela… This from the president who is shuttering down coal fired power plants, and has seen the price of gas more than double under his administration. Forget nuclear power!! You have to ask yourself, why would they take advice from the leader of a country with an energy policy in utter shambles. If the Africans are smart, they would say…”Thanks but no thanks!” The question in the back of my mind of course is…”How much is this going to cost American taxpayers????” More smoke and mirrors from Washington to divert our attention from the myriad of scandals and the lack of jobs. Amedeo J. Lauria Lieutenant Colonel, USA, Retired Secretary/Treasurer, Sabattus Republican Town Committee Email: ltclauria@roadrunner Linkedin: linkedin/pub/amedeo-lauria-ltc-usa-ret/66/628/328 (207) 375-4004 “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” Abraham Lincoln Very Disturbing to say the least. Please see below:
Posted on: Sun, 30 Jun 2013 21:37:34 +0000

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