All 5 days of re-praying the Model Prayer: Day One You Pray Like - TopicsExpress


All 5 days of re-praying the Model Prayer: Day One You Pray Like This… You, therefore, pray like this: "Our Father in heaven! May your Name be kept holy…" Today, Father, I trust You to give me wisdom, physical strength, discernment, so that all I say, even to the inflection of my voice; all I do, will honor Your Holy Name. My goal today is to live according to Your Word, not my feelings. Day Two “May your Kingdom come, your will be done on earth as in heaven.…” Father, I so long for the day when the earth again knows the feet of Jesus walking on its soil, when earthly Jerusalem and Heavenly Jerusalem are one. As I see wickedness increasing exponentially, my heart aches for the time when the Righteous Rule of Jesus will govern the earth. Until that appointed day in Your Eternal calendar arrives, my desire is to reflect Your Glory on this earth, that Your Will be accomplished in my life. So, as moths are attracted to light, may those in darkness be attracted to Your Light shining through me. To that end, I submit my perceived ‘rights’, no matter what they may be, to Your Kingship, that You may use me for Your Purposes while I remain on this earth. Day Three “Give us the food we need today….” Father, I know there is not one need in my life, now or in the future, which You have not already seen and made provision. Since You made me, You, alone know how prone I am to want to peer into the future and make provision from my limited point of view and my extremely limited resources and understanding. My Faith-choice today is to trust You. I trust You to make the physical food I consume useful for my body, as I do my part to choose wisely, making that food which You have created first choice. I will not fear what man may have done to what You have created, but I will receive all my food with thankfulness, Even more importantly, I trust You to cause Your Word which I consume, to become a part of me, so that Your Spirit may produce Your Life within me this day. Day Four "Forgive us what we have done wrong, as we too have forgiven those who have wronged us...." Father, You know my heart better than I know myself, so You know this is the most difficult yet for me to pray. To approach You, God Almighty, Creator of the universe, and ask for no more forgiveness than I have given, truly gives me pause. I find that I must stop, look into my heart and consider all my relationships past and present. I see that no matter how deeply or how long someone has hurt me, no matter how unfair the criticism, no matter how I may have been ignored, passed over, downtrodden – I Must Forgive! You have caused me to understand that the heart-intent of any one offending me has nothing to do with my responsibility to forgive. Too often I have sorted offences into, ‘they didn’t mean to’, and ‘deliberate’ hurts; the former I would quickly and easily forgive, the later I would too often nurse into full-blown bitterness. Father, I will no longer consider the Blood of Jesus of so little value that I hold against another person that which I wish to be forgiven. So, knowing that You have placed within me Your Spirit, I will live this day as a Forgiver, neglecting those ‘feelings’ of anger, bitterness and resentment, replacing them with words and actions based on Your Word. Day Five "And do not lead us into hard testing, but keep us safe from the Evil One. *For kingship, power and glory are yours forever. Amen." Father, I trust Your loving heart to mold me into a vessel of honor, suitable for Your purposes. The very phrase, ‘to mold’ says there will be pressure applied to my life causing transformation within me. There are many days on this Life-Journey, that I must call to mind Your Promise that You will ‘never, not for any reason or under any circumstances, give up on me, loosen Your grip on me, or walk away from me’. The Power of this Promise resonates through my being. No matter what the pressure may feel like while I am on Your Potter’s wheel, You are always standing right there, a Holy Breath to soften my spirit; a deft touch here; the intense pressure of being fully encircled by Your Hands at other times. My ideas of ‘good for me’ and ‘evil for me’ are very often skewed by my selfish desire for ‘ease’, so I yield myself to the Kind Intent of Your heart. I am trusting You to be my Deliverer on those occasions when The Enemy slips in and begins to terrorize me, because Your Kingship extends beyond the heavens; Your Power cannot be matched or measured; Your Glory is Yours alone, forever, and ever and ever! All these things I say with the strongest affirmation my being knows; AMEN!
Posted on: Thu, 18 Jul 2013 11:06:12 +0000

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