All ANC members and supporters are urged to give their maximum - TopicsExpress


All ANC members and supporters are urged to give their maximum participation in all activities of the organisation that seek to strengthen our liberation movement. A massive recruitment programme need to be an ongoing programme and all those recruited must be given a thorough political education so that our demomcracy gained through blood and sweats of our heroes and heroiens will always be protected. Decade of Cadre must be a priority to each and every branch of African National Congress because our organisation is under attack. Opposition parties have realised that they cant face or win any debate against ANC whether its in local level,provincial or at a national level. Now media has been used as a weapon that can be used to write all negative things about African National Congress. It does nt end with media even our State institutions Supporting Constitutional Democracy has got more powers than our government. Looking on what transpired in the case Lt-General Anwa Dramat challenging the decision taken by Minister of Police Hon Nathi Nhleko,it really shows that we need to work hard and get 2/3 majority that can allow our government to verify some of the legislations that were promulgated before. We cant pretend and act like we are blind on serious matters like this,our judiciary is too much independent at some point it does need somo political interventions. Gen Anwa Dramat has totally undermined the Minister of Police and ANC led government by challenging the decision taken against him to Constitutional Court. QINA LUNGA LIKAKHONGOLOSE QINA...PHILA NGUNAPHAKADE AFRICAN NATIONAL CONGRESS PHILA NGUNAPHAKADE ALUTA CONTINUA!!!
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 07:31:52 +0000

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