All Banking is Fraud. Bankers play a game called Bankruptcy. The - TopicsExpress


All Banking is Fraud. Bankers play a game called Bankruptcy. The game works like this; Bankers exchange their worthless paper liabilities (iou’s are debts) for your valuable assets. For the mere expedience of putting ink to paper, they will buy up the world. When their worthless paper crashes, their victims will be left with the worthless paper and they will own everything. Of course, no yokel is going to exchange their valuable assets for worthless bits of paper. So what makes a Banker’s paper worth something? The courts. If the court legally mandates that you must exchange your valuable assets for a banker’s debt instruments, then you must do so or forfeit your valuable assets for nothing. In order to get a court to ‘write a law’ forcing you to exchange your assets for their liabilities, it is easiest if you actually own the court. Then you can use the court as a method of attacking a target population. In order to own the court, you must own the government. As it turns out, owning a government is a relatively simple process. In fact, all you have to do is set the process in motion and it becomes self governing. It is a form of mindless parasitism that always destroys its host. It is brilliant in its inception however misguided and malodorous its intent. The Bank of International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland has an asset base of 175 trillion dollars. They are collectively owed a global debt of one hundred trillion dollars. Who had a hundred trillion dollars to lend out? Nobody. They created it out of thin air with ink and paper. It is interesting that Basel is also the home of the world’s largest pharmaceutical manufacturers. Much easier to deceive someone if they are drugged up or drunk. Global Bankers use a system of Force, Religion and Legislation to attack a target population. Bankers put up a global Punch and Judy show in order to distract their audience while they pick their pockets in the background. The strategy is rather like a game and you could think of a gameboard that explains it. Lay out a board with two or more opposing armies. Have the ultimate authority invested in a fairy tale character like a King or Queen. The Banker King counts his money while the Queen eats bread and honey. They are the figure heads with the penultimate power. Maintaining power for them is dependent on controlling the powers of the forces they have available to them. One could have a Knight represent the force available to the King and Queen. Physically coercive forces are called armies. An internal army to contain a population is called a Police Force and an external army to attack other players is called an Armed Force. These are mindless forces that are trained to follow orders and never think about them. You could have a Rook or gaol represent the courts that you take your victims to in order to impress upon them the divine dictates of the ruling authority. The authority that makes the rules is called a Government. The authority that settles disputes concerning these rules is called a Judiciary. De facto governments typically authorize courts which in turn authorizes the government, which in turn authorizes the police which are the coercive arm of the Judiciary. The victims are told that they own all of them and are under attack by themselves. And of course in order to maintain control over a target nation what you require most is mind control. Have a Bishop represent the forces of mind control over a target population. The Bishop must bear witness that the King and Queen do have the divine authority to govern from the divine imaginary friend as dictated by their particular cult theology. You could disguise your Bank as a Church. For instance if you had a bank called Rothschild (Red Shield) Bank, you could call your Church the Salvation Army and even have a Red Sheild (Rothschild) program. When people donate to the Church that saves them from themselves, the Banker gets first pick at the riches and even gets to sell the rags to the beggared target population. This is obviously not how the real Salvation Army works in the real world. And of course since the Church is the formal mechanism for mind controlling the population to believe that the imaginary authority of the ruling fairy tale characters is in fact real, they must be seen as divine intermediaries. The official propaganda device of this authority is called the Media and includes television and newsprint. You could even authorize only a certain class of people to control the courts and perhaps even call these ecclesiastical pretenders a BAR Association. The divine authority to judge comes from the same imaginary divine authority to rule and the divine authority to provide police and army mercenary services. Ah, the target populations, perhaps we could call them pawns. They are kind of like herd critters. You keep them out of the loop or rather, running in loops and picking each other off while you pick up the spoils… Mahal Shalel Hashbaz.. quick to the plunder, quick to the spoils giggle the Bankers as they huddle round the strategy rooms at the Potomac Institute Center for Emerging Threats and Opportunities? Covert use of coercive forces is called Behaviour Modification Operations or Black Operations. Black operations are typically 95% disinformation (rumours) and about 5% strategically targeted violence. Black operations are designed to creaate fear. The divine authority must come from a source superior to the rest of the players and of course in our game it comes from you and I as we oppose each other. In the real world, you simply make up an imaginary superior being, call it God or whatever and perhaps even write your own book that says you are the favourite of your imaginary friend and all your relatives are his chosen people. Systems based upon such claims to racial superiority are plagued with racism problems. It is obvious what the game of Chess represents. Welcome to the real world and welcome to CANADA.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Jul 2013 17:27:28 +0000

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