All I wanted was for you to make me feel safe…to make me feel - TopicsExpress


All I wanted was for you to make me feel safe…to make me feel like I had nothing to worry about. Instead of you telling me that I was insecure-prove me with your actions that I am wrong . Tell me you love me with your actions. Treat me like I am the best thing that ever happened to you. Treat me like I am a special person in your life. Don’t be nice to me just to get what you want. Don’t just tell me what I want to hear. Make me trust you in a way where I can take off that cliff and know that you’ll be there to catch me. Don’t make me feel like an outcast. Don’t treat me like a leper to hang around. Don’t treat me like I am only good enough physically. Respect me. Be patient with me. Don’t be so quick to want to change everything about me. Give me a chance to love you the way I can really love. Don’t sit there and watch me give you my heart only to break it up into a million pieces by ignoring me and using me as a door matt. Treat me like I am really your girlfriend. Have conversations with me – heart to heart conversations so I can get to know you and understand you. Give what you expect back. If I am not what you want for your future-don’t waste my time and just let me know up front. If you don’t think I am good enough-let me know before I give you my heart. Don’t tell me you love me when inside you feel nothing but physical attraction. If I don’t fulfill you in every aspect- don’t do me any favors by staying with me. Let me in to your life. All I wanted was to be inside your world. You never wanted me in your world. You kept me out and loved me in secrecy. You took pleasure in my body but never bothered to take pleasure in my soul. You never bothered to find out who was the person living inside my body. You saw I was scared…and when you should of held me and loved me-you bashed me for it and made me more afraid. I wanted you to see me in the inside. I wanted you to love every part of me. I wanted you to love me all the time-not just in your bed and behind closed doors. Now I sit here empty and vulnerable. Stripped and naked because you took everything I had with you. I have never been so humiliated in my life. You never took a minute to think about my needs. Always fulfilled your needs…that’s what I strived to do. It felt like it was always about You expected me to sit there and feel nothing when you made me feel insignificant. I just wanted to be held. I just wanted to be caressed. Kissed with no further intention. I wanted to be the only girl who could rock your world. I wanted you to let me do that, but I never got the chance. You kept me in the shadows once you saw my flaws. You didn’t except who I was-but yet continued to tell me that you loved me-with no reason. I don’t expect you to turn around. And I don’t expect you to begin to understand the heartfelt words on this paper. But keep this paper so that the next time, before you take someone’s heart, you can make sure that you are ready to nurture her heart. I was not looking for a savior. I was only looking for someone to love me unconditionally –with flaws and all. I wanted your time. I wanted your heart. I wanted you to care about me. I wanted you to think about me. I didn’t ask for the moon and the stars. I just wanted to have your heart.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 01:31:49 +0000

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