All Im hearing lately is all this Islam is evil rhetoric. None of - TopicsExpress


All Im hearing lately is all this Islam is evil rhetoric. None of its about religion, and never has been; its about power, whos dominant, whos the biggest bully. And remember there was a time when Jews stoned people to death; and there was a time when Christians burned people at the stake. (Its rare, but those things still happen in some places.) Every religion, every political party, every group has its extremists. Fundamentalism is the enemy, in my mind, and conformity (and yet look around, everyone conforms to something; hell, our politicians look and sound like a bunch of clones). Learn about something before you start waging war. Its the same thing as when a woman says all men are the same; dont judge all of them by the acts of one, or a few. We seclude ourselves in little groups of people who agree, and then act surprised when things get homogenized and angry. Learning comes from diversity. But no one cares unless it agrees with them or challenges them... I wonder when the human race will finally grow out of its selfishness. I consider any threat to my freedom an enemy; what its religion or philosophy is, I dont care. Islam is not my enemy; those who use it to dominate others are. Big difference.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 04:07:31 +0000

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