All In November 5, 2013 by Ben Crystal In the wake of - TopicsExpress


All In November 5, 2013 by Ben Crystal In the wake of last week’s announcement by President Barack Obama and his minion, Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius, that not only are they unconcerned about the revelation that literally every aspect of Obamacare is an outright fraud, but they’re quite proud of their crimes, I have repeatedly found myself fielding the same question from friends and family: “You’re going to write about Obamacare, right?” My response tends toward both yes and no. Of course, I would be as derelict in my duties for Personal Liberty Digest™ were I to ignore Obama and Sebelius’ attempts to brazenly lie their way through the firestorm of controversy generated by their continued dedication to the more than $2 trillion disaster that has been proven beyond argument to be the sort of criminal enterprise that normally gets people a nice cozy suite next to Bernie Madoff in Federal prison. However, I fail to see the point in repeating the same undeniable facts about Obamacare and/or the parade of disgrace that defines his occupation of the White House. Ultimately, pointing out that Obama and the trash with which he has surrounded himself represent an affront to everything decent about this Nation is about as worthwhile as attempting to explain actual science to Al Gore. Gore wouldn’t care, the low-information types upon whom the Democrats ride wouldn’t care and Obama and his lieutenants have made it abundantly clear that they don’t give a damn. Indeed, I am beginning to develop a sense that rallying against Obama’s criminal enterprise may well be a complete waste of time. The sort of people who continue to support Obamacare after this latest nightmare are well beyond salvation — if they were ever salvageable to begin with. If we learned anything from watching Obama develop the world’s weirdest case of Tourette’s syndrome, it’s that he and the Democrats are “all in” in their war on liberty. If we’ve learned anything from watching everyone from the lapdog media to the college womyn’s (sic) studies professor who smells like dead field mice and foot fungus, it’s that most Democrats are either too deluded or too stupid to break the stranglehold of liberal mendacity. Don’t mistake my intent. I’m not being deliberately cruel, like one of the so-called “comedians” whom the Democrats employ to stoke the flames of hate that fuel the Democratic base. I’m simply noting that there is no longer a legitimate defense for Obama’s tenure. He has lied, cheated, defrauded and potentially even murdered in the name of his twisted ideology. Under his tenure, the Federal government has targeted law-abiding citizens for all manner of cruelty while going so far as to make our country an official state sponsor of islamofascist terrorism and narcoterrorist drug filth. Clearly, there is as much chance of them reversing course as there is a chance that Obamacare will make you healthier, wealthier and wiser. Obama and his friends have drawn their line in the sand: They’re “all in.” Where are you? –Ben Crystal
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 15:10:22 +0000

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