All.. It goes without saying that our market is smaller that - TopicsExpress


All.. It goes without saying that our market is smaller that other Texas towns...There is however, some good advice that can be applied accross the board. Below is a post from the Austin Film Casting Yahoo group. As Donise says, Do Your Research! It is worth the time to not be starstruck by the opportunity to be a Big Star when the opportunity turns out to be a Dwarf-Burn Out. We can step it up here..It is gonna take continued time, teamwork and experience...Is it to much to say that as far as this group goes and NOT discriminating against content of material or freedom of speech and art; If anybody posts something that is intentionally devious or advantage taking..Because WE are a tight community, lets hang their head on a stake at the city limits with a sign saying You are welcome with open arms if you are nice about it. Do not attempt to get a-head by taking advantage of the eager and willing or you will lose yours...... Below from Donise Hardy, CSA .... FOR WHAT ITS WORTH. Lets talk about postings on Yahoo Film Groups, Facebook and Craigs List, etc. CAVEAT EMPTOR! Thats Latin for: LET THE BUYER BEWARE! And actually can be put to use daily in many different situations. I spoke to Dan Eggleston, creator of Yahoo Film Groups sites for Dallas, Houston and Austin, prior to writing this column. He suggests that before posting to his sites, that you read the guidelines on the home page: While Dan spends time vetting as many of the postings as he can, it would be virtually impossible to check them all out! So, dear talent, it is up to you! You have to do your due diligence. Some things you can check out: 1. Who posted this? There will be names of producers, directors, production companies, casting directors, theatres, universities, etc. Google them. Go to IMDb (Internet Movie Data Base). Check these people out before you make any commitment! You have every right to know who they are, what they are doing and what will be expected from you! 2. Is it paid, unpaid or deferred? I can tell you from personal experience that I never saw a dime on any project I did on a deferred basis. Even if a project eventually makes money, creative bookkeeping has been known to rear its ugly head. 3. Is the script (not just sides!) available? You absolutely have to insist on seeing the entire script. While your scenes may be on various pages, you had better check and see what is happening on all those other pages! You might be horrified! 4. What about Spec commercials? Be very careful of these. You could wind up in a conflict and not be able to do paid projects for a competing company. That being said, it is rare that a spec commercial producer hires the original actors when and if the contract is awarded. When they can pay, they look for talent they consider better! 5. What about Casting Directors who post to these sites? Industry standard in the past had included use of these sites ONLY when the casters didnt feel they would be able to find what they were looking for through the local agents, i.e. a Swahili-speaking unicyclist, dribbling a basketball. To look for a mainstream actor through these lists is becoming routine, unfortunately. Many of the postings dont even bother to suggest that talent who are represented consult with their agent first. Your agent may have already taken a pass on the project because the pay is too low; the conflicts too broad; or the use is excessive, i.e. in perpetuity (forever). If you have an agent, ALWAYS check with them prior to submitting yourself for anything. Keep in mind, if Casting Directors will quit allowing producers to ask for use in perpetuity, if Talent Agents will quit submitting on projects that are in perpetuity and if talent will quit working on projects that are in perpetuity, it will go away! Even if it is a 5-year use, at least there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Everyone needs to stand up and just say No! We got rid of it before and we can do it again. 6. Coaches? Oh yes, lots and lots of coaches post their classes and workshops on these sites. It is especially important to check them out before making any financial commitment. Talk to talent who have studied with them. Check out their websites. Ask if you can audit one class to see if your style and theirs gel. Legitimate coaches have no problem with you asking probing questions about their experience and background. Just because someone claims to have studied with Add Famous Name Here and coached Add Lots of Famous Names Here, doesnt mean they have. Be certain that if a class is offered and to be taught by a certain coach, that that is who actually teaches the class! There are instances where some classes end up being taught by out-of-work actors who arent necessarily particularly good coaches. Make sure you are getting what you pay for! Every post should explain exactly who is teaching what and why they are qualified and educated to do so. A perfect example of what to do is State Theatre in Austin. You know exactly who they are, what they teach, who teaches what and why they are qualified to do so. 7. Photographers? Many photographers post on the sites. Again, talk to talent about their headshots when you see ones you like. Make an appointment to meet and talk with the photographer. Look at their website to see if they shoot indoors or out; what about lighting; how does the makeup and hair look; is the wardrobe appropriate? Especially check out what they have done with talent your age, your look and ethnicity. You arent looking for a glamour shot! You are looking for a headshot! You know. Something that actually looks like you. 8. Networking opportunities? Of course my favorite is the Network Austin Mixer! Visit the website at networkaustinmixer to see what we have done in the past (9 years and still going strong!) and what we are doing in the future. On Wednesday, February 12th we have 7 of our outstanding local Talent Agents. And divided between Wednesday, April 9th and again on Wednesday, May 14th, our panels will be 10 of the top Casting Directors in Central Texas! (No meeting in March because of SxSW!) The bottom line is to be very careful out there. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is! Talk to your agent! Talk to other talent! Talk to other parents with kids in the business! Talk to your coach. Talk to anyone you respect and who has been in the business long enough to actually know what they are talking about! If someone takes advantage of you, tell everyone! And dont let it happen twice! If someone has provided a great class, workshop, photo, project or opportunity tell everyone! And hope it happens twice! Or more! Thanks to all of you who have been kind enough to write about the monthly column. And, as always, thanks to Dan Eggleston for his approval in doing this and posting it to his various sites. Let me know if you have any specific questions youd like answered. And remember, I am expressing my opinion only, not that of any other CD. Also, always keep in mind, that your agent has the final word on everything pertaining to your career, so listen to him/her! Happy Groundhog Day! Happy Lincolns Birthday! Happy Valentines Day! Happy Presidents Day! (And on a personal note, GO DENVER!) Donise L. Hardy, CSA [email protected] C February 1, 2014
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 16:48:23 +0000

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