All Parties in Egypt are on the same side .All work for Israel - TopicsExpress


All Parties in Egypt are on the same side .All work for Israel directly & indirectly through the US. The people need to wake up to it , form an alliance & dump these leaders they have . The Egyptian Army has been hemming Palestinians in for Israel for decades& closes the boarder a short time before Isreali blitz on Palestine have destroyed tunnels that the Palestinians used to get in & out & to get support. Mubarek worked for the US & the Brotherhood work for Israel Zoinists . Most organizations the lower ranks are oblivious to what is going on .The Arab youth need to combine & leave religion on the sidelines. Power of freedom is in UNITY. Freedom of religion. You say you don`t pick on their religions ,PROVE IT & A UNITE FOR YOUR COUNTRIES PROSPERITY & INDEPENDENCE ! UNITE the Arab tribes of Youth Freedom of religion , if you do not look past these things & move on to better things you will be manipulated, The Old ones are being manipulated & it is time to end this madness & set a new doctrine of co-operation with each other ,not the foreign tyrannical empire. No matter what side is on offer ,they all work for USraelis. They are playing all your people against one another to destabilize the region & maintain their control can`t you see that ? Only the Youth will seethe a new way, Direct Democracy where you don`t have to trust the bastards. Think about it ! When you let the enemy into your neighbors house they will be jumping your back fence by morning to rob you. If you let murderers into your neighbors house ,they will be jumping you fence by midnight to kill your family. Don`t let them in ! Stand together as a Nation ! The Independent Arab Nation .You can`t tryst partisans politics ever !
Posted on: Sun, 18 Aug 2013 01:39:45 +0000

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