All Soul Day.... .....................( . ) Almighty Eternal - TopicsExpress


All Soul Day.... .....................( . ) Almighty Eternal God, in Your fatherly goodness, be kind to the soul of Your servant, (Name). Cleanse him/her whom You have called from this world of all his/her faults, take him/her into the Realm of Light and Peace and into the Community of Your Saints,and give him/her his/her share of Eternal Delight in Your Kingdom. God, You Creator and Saviour of all the faithful, forgive all the sins of all Your servants souls. Let them receive forgiveness through our pious prayer, for which they have always been yearning. For this we pray through Jesus, Our Lord. Amen. O Lord, You always love to distribute Mercy and Graces. For this reason, I never cease asking of You to think of the souls of Your servants whom You have taken from this world. Do not leave them under the power of the enemy and do not ever forget them. Order Your Holy Angels to take and lead them to their heavenly home. They hoped for You, they believed in You. So do not let them endure the punishments of Purgatory, but let them have the Eternal Joys. Through Christ, Our Lord. Amen. God of faithfulness, in Your wisdom You have called Your servant (Name) out of this world; release him/her from the bonds of sin, and welcome him/her into Your Presence, so the he/she may enjoy eternal light and peace and be raised up in glory with all Your saints. Amen. Lord our God, the death of (Name) recalls our human condition and the brevity of our lives on earth. But for those who believe in Your love, death is not the end, nor does it destroy the bonds that You forge in our lives. We share the faith of Your Sons disciples and the hope of the children of God. Bring the light of Christs resurrection to this time of testing and pain as we pray for (Name) and for those who love him/her, through Christ our Lord. Amen. Lord, hear our prayers; in Your mercy, bring us to Your place of peace and light the soul(s) of Your servant(s) [name the deceased persons], whom You have summoned from this world. Call him/her/them to be numbered in the fellowship of Your saints. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 18:06:41 +0000

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