All That Glitters - Soapbox 6/23/14 I know that Barack Obama is - TopicsExpress


All That Glitters - Soapbox 6/23/14 I know that Barack Obama is an urbane sophisticate who exudes a high degree of charisma and has as fine an education as can be provided by the greatest Ivy League universities in the nation. His people skills are outstanding and his personal story of coming from a broken, biracial home of meager means, fighting the odds and succeeding is truly inspiring. He is from all appearances a model father, a faithful husband and an all around family man who values the time he spends with his wife and children and goes to great pains to make opportunities to do so. In his first term the electorate gave him an overwhelming majority of votes and both houses of congress opportunities to mandate, a license to do just about anything he wanted to do about Americas ailing economy, the two wars we were involved in, the anemic job market and a plethora of other major and minor aches and pains that plagued America. The adulation of the population, the impetus of being the first black president, the time in history he came on the scene and Americas need for the Hope and Change he promised combined to present him with the opportunity of going down in history as one of the greatest and most effective presidents ever. Obamas inauguration season was grander than anything America had ever seen, and played out on elaborate, columned stages, resembling the set from a high budget Hollywood production, with the American media fawning almost to the point of orgasm as he moved steadily onward toward 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue to take his place as leader of the free world. The stage was set, the players were in place and the nation and the world waited with baited breath to see what job producing, economy reviving, miraculous domestic policies would issue forth from the new Camelot. Or what brilliant act of foreign policy would be forthcoming, actions that would astound Planet Earth, being about peace in our time and bolster American prestige and power to its rightful place as the envy of the world and the defender of freedom and justice. Right about then things started falling apart, as it became evident to any thinking person honest enough to admit the truth, that this well spoken, attractive president, evidently didnt have a clue when it came to choosing the nuts and bolts of his administration as he surrounded himself with left wing ideological academics and political operatives without enough practical experience among them to run a lemonade stand. The presidents first world tour, instead of touting the greatness, capability and nobility of America was spent bowing to Muslim kings and kowtowing to any leader who came into his presence and apologizing for just about everything America had accomplished in the past two hundred years. Then instead of shoring up the economy with concessions to the private sector to create and maintain desperately needed jobs, he introduced the most convoluted, government expanding, economy killing piece of socialism ever brought to the floor of Congress and told the American people it had to be passed immediately before the planet spun out of the solar system. The total ramifications of this one wont be felt until after Obamas presidency is history and I think he probably planned it that way. Then Eric Holder, the first Attorney General who is allowed to decide which laws to enforce and which ones to not enforce, makes it his business to take away states right while ignoring the rot and corruption in the federal government, The national debt has grown a trillion or so, Iraq is headed toward becoming part of the Federation of al-Qaeda states or whatever, with the Taliban just setting in the wings, licking their chops until America pulls out before they do the same thing in Afghanistan. The food stamp rolls and disability recipients have grown by the millions under Obama and true unemployment figures are not known as so many people have stopped even trying to find a job. We could go on, but why? What I have stated is obvious and probably known by just about everybody who will read this. Obama is a lot of things, but he is simply not a leader, in fact not many people are, but then not many people get to be president. Obama is an ideologue, a social engineer, a man who doesnt like Americas role as the greatest nation the world has ever known, Obama probably would never describe himself as a socialist, but when you are hell bent on leveling the international playing field at the expense of Pax Americana and the influence and benevolence of American exceptionalism, if the golf cap fits, wear it. What do you think? Pray for our troops and the peace of Jerusalem God Bless America Charlie Daniels
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 04:12:01 +0000

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