All about…Preventing Cancer Cancer is the number two killer of - TopicsExpress


All about…Preventing Cancer Cancer is the number two killer of people in the United States, but it doesn’t have to put you in the ground, too. Follow these healthy tips to treat your body to a longer, healthier life. Serve sauerkraut at your next picnic: The fermentation process involved in making sauerkraut produces several other cancer-fighting compounds, including ITCs, indoles, and sulforaphane. To reduce the sodium content, rinse canned or jarred sauerkraut before eating. Eat your fill of broccoli, but steam it rather than microwaving it: Broccoli is a cancer-preventing superfood, one you should eat frequently. But microwaving broccoli destroys 97 percent of the vegetable’s cancer-protective flavonoids. Toast some Brazil nuts and sprinkle over your salad: They’re a rich form of selenium, a trace mineral that convinces cancer cells to commit suicide and helps cells repair their DNA. Add garlic to everything you eat: Garlic contains sulfur compounds that may stimulate the immune system’s natural defenses against cancer, and may have the potential to reduce tumor growth. Studies suggest that garlic can reduce the incidence of stomach cancer by as much as a factor of 12! Eat cantaloupe: Cantaloupe is a great source of carotenoids, plant chemicals shown to significantly reduce the risk of lung cancer. Drink water: The amount of water women drink correlates to their risk of colon cancer, with heavy water drinkers reducing their risk up to 45 percent. Get about 15 minutes of sunlight each day: Getting too little vitamin D may increase your risk of multiple cancers, including breast, colon, prostate, ovarian, and stomach, as well as osteoporosis, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and high blood pressure. Sprinkle scallions over your salad: A diet high in onions may reduce the risk of prostate cancer 50 percent. But the effects are strongest when they’re eaten raw or lightly cooked. Make a batch of fresh lemonade or limeade: A daily dose of citrus fruits may cut the risk of mouth, throat, and stomach cancers by half, Australian researchers found. Take advantage of your friends and family (they won’t mind): Men with high levels of stress and those with less satisfying contacts with friends and family members had higher levels of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in their blood, a marker for the development of prostate cancer. - See more at:
Posted on: Sun, 08 Sep 2013 19:01:05 +0000

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