All across the globe, discontent is manifesting on the street - TopicsExpress


All across the globe, discontent is manifesting on the street level against the Status Quo. The Syrian government, for example, is threatening to withdraw its delegates as early as later today, Saturday 1/25/14, from open-ended peace talks taking place in Geneva, complaining that the opposition isnt a serious partner. An agreement yesterday, Friday 1/24/14, though fragile, restored a modicum of order to what has become an unruly round of diplomacy over how to bring the two sides together to discuss a nearly three-year bloody conflict that has killed more than 100,000. For days, delegations representing Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and the opposition had haggled over the choreography of the talks, ranging from how the parties would communicate to which delegates would participate. The drawn-out wrangling nearly scuttled the talks entirely yesterday, when the regime threatened to pull out. There are deep divisions, however, over the actual meaning of Geneva I. The opposition and its Western backers say a transitional government, by definition, must exclude Mr. Assad and his loyalists. But the regime says Mr. Assads leadership isnt up for discussion. In the meanwhile, it remains much easier for Palestinians to accuse Israel of racism than to admit many of them do not want to be part of a Palestinian state. There is a real discussion taking place in higher circles concerning means and ways for many Arabs to remain Israeli citizens after proposed land swaps, can you believe this shit??? In my view if the Arab Knesset members are so worried about becoming citizens of a Palestinian state, they should be working toward integration into, and not separation from, Israel, and listening more to their constituents rather than the voices of Fatah and Hamas. Renewed talk of land swaps between Israel and a future Palestinian state has left many Israeli Arabs worried about losing their status as citizens of Israel. According to the Israeli daily Maariv, Israel has proposed to the Americans transferring Israeli Arab communities to the Palestinian Authority as part of a land swap that would place Jewish settlements in the West Bank under Israeli sovereignty. The proposal means that some 300,000 Israeli Arabs would be allowed to stay in their villages in the triangle area along the border with the West Bank. However, these citizens would find themselves living under the jurisdiction of a Palestinian state. Needless to say, the new-old proposal has been strongly rejected by leaders of the Israeli Arabs, who expressed outrage over the idea. It was hard this week to find even one Israeli Arab who publicly supported the proposal. breitbart/Big-Peace/2014/01/15/Feinstein-We-Cannot-Let-Israel-Determine-When-and-Where-the-United-States-Goes-to-War
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 06:27:16 +0000

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