All beings want to be happy and free from suffering. Self Love - TopicsExpress


All beings want to be happy and free from suffering. Self Love 1/23/2014 We pray that our daily lives will be free from hazards and injuries. We hope that anger will not rise. But if it does arise, we know how to deal with it.. In this love meditation from the Visuddhimagga, anger, afflictions, fear, and anxiety refer to unwholesome , negative states of mind that dwell in us and rob us of our peace and happiness. Anger, fear, anxiety, craving, greed, and ignorance are the great afflictions of our time. By practicing mindful living, we are able to deal with them, and our love is translated into effective action. Practice looking deeply all day long---during sitting meditaation, walking meditation, at work, and at home. When you do, you will discover the true nature of the five skandhas---form, feelings, perceptions, mental formations, and consciousness. you will see the conditions that have caused you to be the way you are, and this makes it easy to accept yourself---your suffering and your happiness at the same time. To love is first of all to accept yourself as you actually are. Knowing Thyself is the first practice of love. Teachings On Love Thich Nhat Hahn To be continued...
Posted on: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 08:42:25 +0000

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