All cancers 3 November - TopicsExpress


All cancers 3 November 2014 All cancer cells emit X rays when there exposed to low power ultrasound. This means the cell is doing molecular nuclear fusion. Turning her pressurised water into helium, oxygen, heat and X rays. There is no biochemical source of X rays! 1 H2O+US->He+O+E2+Xray In 2002 the Moffitt cancer centre applying high intensity ultrasound to prostate cancer. And got a one appointment total cure the cancer. The making medical history! I have personally validated the 150 W 40 kHz for 30 seconds is HIUS. Though I now use 5 W 1 MHz for the same time. I have even cleared late stage inoperable liver cancer. HIUS to the armpits, liver and both sides of the head will clear all secondary us. Any other secondary will be cleared by ½ minute of external HIUS. Though the immune system should clear all secondaries automatically. The biochemical drug industry went ballistic! Suddenly there is a total physical cure to cancer that does line for biochemical treatments: which provide two years of expensive and agonising life before inevitable death. ‘it just works for prostate cancer’ they argued: have no conception how it worked out all. Medics have been using ultrasound since 1826. Lower power ultrasound does 1 for all cancers. HIUS steps up the heat output! To cause the cancer cell to heat up past 120° C. At which stage in fragments! Above 60° C it is dead. All cancers have to be pressurised in order to grow in a single cell way. He also need some viral genome. So cancers are composed of fragments of viral genome left behind by a fall infections. So all cancers are cleared with HIUS! This science was medically proved by our hundred patient double blind trial in 2002. It totally removes the need for a GP or hospital involvement. Which is why all medics have agreed not to use HIUS! To totally abandoned the first repeatable total cure to all cancers. Preferring instead to do cognitive manslaughter on their own patients-for money! Since 2002 they have executed 400,000,000 people around the world. There biggest intentional mass murder of all time. The cheapest source of HIUS is an ultrasonic massage device bought over the Internet. Search for ‘5 W 1 MHz ultrasonic massage device cheapest’. When it arrives, 30 seconds of external application will clear any cancer. Both coronary heart disease, arthritis, asthma and diabetes are caused by an inflated structure left behind by infective disease. HIUS applied to the top left the chest and the kidneys will clear coronary heart disease and raised blood pressure. 1 minute of HIUS to the chest will clear asthma. To arthritic joint three of the applications will clear the arthritis: in my personal direct experience! HIUS applied to the bottom right suggest will clear diabetes. Type 1 will take three days to totally remit. Type 2 were innate within turn sections. So all the diseases Astra Zeneca has a perfect biochemical treatment for can be totally cleared using an ultrasonic massage device purchased over the Internet. The same device applied to the chest throat and nose for ½ minutes, will clear all infections. Without the need of prescription or a medic! The world change is 2002. This is 2014. Doctors have August rated the biggest deliberate mass homicide in human history. For which they have been massively paid! In total contravention of the Hippocratic oath the altar, entering Medical Service. They can no longer apply medicine! They have deletes and cells from the medical registers around the world. Too well under five medicine is massive medical malpractice. The lawyers are going to have a field day! Jonathan Thomason JonThm9@aol
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 17:18:48 +0000

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