All communication carries with it a vibration, each word just like - TopicsExpress


All communication carries with it a vibration, each word just like a thought carries a vibration and words are powerful, whether positive or negative. Your thoughts are constructed by words and words draw circumstances and events to you. Many circumstances you experience are ones that you do not desire. You are probably not aware of your own personal verbal communication and the powerful effect it has on you and on others too. The words that you use give a good indication as to where your thoughts are centred. Sometimes when we speak we are not consciously aware of the negative words we are using because they are so ingrained within us. The universe cannot distinguish between certain words like NO, NOT, CAN’T and DON’T, therefore when you say “I don’t want my life to be this way” the universe would read it as “I want my life to be this way”, “I don’t want to be always be on the last minute” would be read as “I want to be on the last minute”, “I don’t want to worry all of the time” would suggest “I want to worry all of the time”. So eliminate the words WANT, DONT, NO, NOT, CAN’T, and remember can’t means won’t! “I want never gets”. The creative process always begins at the unconscious level. Everything is ALWAYS in the process of being created. Even though you do perceive this through your senses, understand that creation is constant, non-judgemental and unwavering. It is essential that you become consciously aware of what you are expressing to others by way of your words. ‘I Am’ are the two most powerful words in the world, those two words can make you a powerhouse, and a force to be reckoned with. The two words ‘I am’ expresses powerfully, internally and externally who you really are. When you think, feel or say ‘I am unhappy’ the ‘I am’ vibration is unrestricted and acts as an introduction to creating whatever follows it. You create with your thoughts, feelings and words moment by moment, and only you can stop yourself from adversity; likewise, only you can create what you truly wish for. You can be, do or have anything that you desire. ‘I Am’ are wonderfully powerful words to draw to you more of what you desire. ‘I am’ when spoken in the positive context is by far more powerful than you could realise. When you say ’I Am’ you are staking your claim on who you really are and taking full responsibility for the thoughts and words you choose, being very selective and selecting your words wisely knowing you become what you speak. By being aware and acting out the above you are defining and declaring yourself to the universe. ‘I Am’ connects to your very core of you, and is your true essence and every time you say “I am,” you are in a state of creation and sending out a vibration to the universe, and without a shadow of a doubt the universe will respond to your ‘I Am’. ‘I Am miserable’ will create more misery, ‘I Am bored’ will create more boredom, ‘I Am unlovable’ will ensure that you are unlovable, always understand that you are constantly in a state of creation. Listen to what your “I Am” statements are and be present and aware at all times. ‘I Am’ gives you access to your great power within and offers positive solutions in all aspects of your life. Be a conscious creator when you speaking “I Am” and encase ‘I Am’ with love, light, and blessings. I am lovable’ ‘I am beautiful’ ‘I am wealthy’ ‘I am healthy’; you are what you think, feel and say you are. Build and promote those two powerful words ‘I am’ followed by what you truly wish for and feel comfortable with them.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 10:42:37 +0000

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