All everyone does is make fun of me and talk down to me like Im - TopicsExpress


All everyone does is make fun of me and talk down to me like Im nothing and Im done listening to it. I have tried killing myself many times because of how I get treated. Well maybe if you knew the story then youd learn why and stop. But heres just a small part of it! I was born on June 24, 1989 in South Miami Hospital in Miami Florida. Brought into a world full of hate, hunger, crime, murder, discrimination and ect. Not knowing what the future would hold for such a small baby boy, I grew up learning that everyday wasnt just a gift but a new beginning. On August 24, 1992 my family and I were in a horrible hurricane, Hurricane Andrew. After losing everything, we move to Georgia to start over. Many years pass by and things start to change. The fighting begins and feelings get thrown around, tears are shed, hearts are broken. Being so young and not knowing what is going on, having to talk to judges and councilors about what I think and what I feel. A few more years pass by, having to go from one house to another all because things couldnt work out, not knowing what and where to call home. After having a home for so many years and growing up with friends I now have to move again, but this time even further to a state called Ohio. Now starting over at a new school, a new environment not knowing anyone, I feel like an outcast. Slowly learning names and getting new friends, I start to feel like things are going good. I get my first real girlfriend, first kiss but still knowing that something is missing. After only 2 years, we pack up once again and movie to a new state, Kentucky! After visiting family over the years I have became friends with a few people and got my first best-friend, Justin Sparks aka Sparky. Once school started things started going good. Although I would still have to go from home to home due to divorce visitation rights, things were good. A few years pass and things start to go down hill. Yes sports were going good but I started to see and hear from my dad less and less until it turned into not at all. 3 years pass and I actually could say that I went to a school from start to finish without having to move. I finish middle school and like every kid scared to death starting high school. Of course I get into sports right away. Like every teenager I hit rough patches but then cross-country was introduced to me, not knowing anything on the first day the coach sees something and recruits me. Only being 55, not knowing a single thing about distance running, I jump in. Turns out I wasnt half bad at it, so they recruit me for track. The next year rolls around and Im not so shy about talking to the other runners, so they start to become family. 3 years of running cross-country and track, meeting new people from all over the state of KY. After becoming part of this group of weird crazy wild teammates, I have a real family that pushed me to the limit. But its just not the same as your real family. Every ball game, every meet your family will show up and cheer you on to the bitter end, well all the family but 1. Never seeing 1 ball game or 1 meet, things just werent the same. Then you decide to show up for graduation like everything is fine, well it wasnt because you show up when you think its convenient. Over the years I learned to hide my true feelings and put on a mask making it seem like everything was ok but it wasnt and still isnt!! . I have had jobs that I liked a lot. I have done some really stupid things. I have hurt and pushed people away bc thats what has happened to me. Yeah my past isnt the best and I know that for sure, but you dont have to sit there and tell me everything I did wrong or sit there and make fun of me because you have no idea what that does to someone, especially me! My life isnt what everyone thinks it is. For once in my life I am doing something that I LOVE, getting the chance to help not only Autistic people but mentally challenged people as well. So yeah, go ahead and make fun of my height or my past or my looks, I dont care. But just because someone does that about themselves, that doesnt give you the right to do it. Just know that what you see on the outside isnt whats really going on on the inside! So, next time you want to make fun of someone stop and take a step back before you say anything! Thank you for taking time out of your day to read what I have put. I hope that you have a great day!
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 11:47:46 +0000

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