All free trade has done, is to drive innovative hard working - TopicsExpress


All free trade has done, is to drive innovative hard working Americans, into part time, or go nowhere jobs, forcing them deep into debt, to borrow money back that used to be ours, to buy the goods and service we used to make. Its a debt based system where America is enslaved by debt. Free Trade has destroyed Americas sovereignty, our constitution, and our liberty. Free Trade is simply a end run around section one, article eight of the constitution. The right to legislate, tariff, tax, and the right to regulate commerce between the nations. all signed away by free trade. A tariff is simply a tax on goods and services that pay no tax, because they are made somewhere else. So if you let in for free, goods and services that are not made here. You are forcing the producers who stay here, along with hard working Americans, to subsidize the goods and services that are made somewhere else, their use of our physical infrastructure, and legal infrastructure. In other words, those goods and services are free loaders, its a parasitical system, based on debt and free loading. Please do not use the cheap goods thingy, you have to have a job to take advantage of cheap goods and services. that job has to pay enough to subsidize the free loader goods, and to pay the taxes and debt incurred by the free loader goods and services. Besides, most of that cheap goods are junk, and we are again, forced into buying more of the poorly made stuff constantly. Its a vicious circle. Cheap labor economies are free loaders, and all of them are either imploding, or about to implode. To insinuate we are better off because we enslave others for cheap goods and services, is UnAmerican.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 01:52:38 +0000

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