All glory to the Father on the throne, He has invested in you a - TopicsExpress


All glory to the Father on the throne, He has invested in you a GIFT! James 1:17 Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. For the past year or so Ive been reserving my gift for my own benefit, instead of using it to bless those around me, and for that I apologize! YAH used me and the gift He invested in me to reach out to hundreds of people everyday for years, and thats when nothing that came against me prospered, for I was walking in my calling and my anointing! No matter how much I attempt to bless myself, I am only able to reach the halfway mark. EVERY GOOD AND PERFECT GIFT MUST BE USED TO BLESS OTHERS, THAT WAY THE BLESSINGS GROW AND ARE MULTIPLIED AND CONTINUE TO FLOW. As Im meditating through the festival of lights, Hannukuh, and as Im meditating on the Messiahz blessings, Ive come to a point where I have to move forward instead of remaining idle. I know a lot you brothers and sisters have slowed down, or have even come to a neutral state in your walk. Be encouraged that YAH is a God of New Beginnings, and your walk WILL continue in the name of YashaYAH! I have nothing but love for every single one of you, and if YAH let me feed you all best believe Id be more than happy to share my table!!! If you need anything please dont hesitate, and if you want to receive daily devotionals by text or e-mail send me a message!
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 20:14:35 +0000

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