All i gotta say is SHAME ON YOU ARTISTS THAT ARE ALL ABOUT - TopicsExpress


All i gotta say is SHAME ON YOU ARTISTS THAT ARE ALL ABOUT YOURSELVES!!! When u dont get anywhere or u do and karma hits you, just remember, ITS CUZ U DIDNT KNOW ABOUT TEAMWORK!!! I aint on as much as id like to be, so i can help promote, but i do wut i can and wut i cant, yall can get at my boy Tripplebeam to help get ya off the ground, follow his instructions and u wont be led astray, my TEAM has gr8 abilities, NOT JUST ON THE MIC but in life in general, they know the ins and outs and fill me in since im alil behind on things right now. All im sayin is if ur a local artist, help out other REAL local artists, none of that gangbangin crap, thats mainstream and fakers cuz the real ones aint gotta brag bout it in their songs, yalls leadin our teens the wrong way, make POSITIVE music!!! Wanna kill??? go join the military, o thats right, u cowards aint got the brass hangin down to join so u always say, well i was gonna join but..... but wut, nothin, u wasnt joinin crap but a lowlife gang!!! u dont wanna go to jail, dont rap bout the stupid crap yall do or post it on FB, better yet, get a life and stop the childish act!!! Go ahead and make a diss track if youd like, i said i wudnt get into battle rapping cuz i left that years ago when i decided to make positive music but if one of the local kats round here come at me w/sumpn that is even sumwut Ok, dissin me that is, then maybe i might step down a level and rip ur asshole out through your mouth on a track, test me on or off the mic cuz its not a test to me, i BLEED music & im all about helpin others cuz u CANNOT DO THIS ALONE, we all need each other and OUR FANS, THEY ARE WUT MAKES US MAKE IT !!!
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 15:37:50 +0000

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