All is very excitable in the Tree house this morning ( no - Swifty - TopicsExpress


All is very excitable in the Tree house this morning ( no - Swifty is still snoring) I’m gazing out at the day breaking over the mauve Mountain - it’s has been a crazy couple of days that’s for sure - and if I’m not mistaken - I felt the wind of change brush past my cheek last night as I chatted to Jon. Yes he was consuming a Chinese at the time - but I was thinking more of a metaphysical wind ( I may be Saggy but I’m not uncouth) We spoke of many things - of cabbages and of Kings and lots of other very silly things - and whilst we spoke I felt the winds of change. “That wheel of fortune “ to which we are all condemned - begin to spin a little more kindly in my direction and all the good stuff - all the love that I rest my faith in life upon - came good and fell into its perfect place to be. I’d been pushing my Saggy boundaries all weekend - testing the fickle finger of the Sarcastic Omni One - and got my fingers a little burnt in the process - as you do. And I must admit that there were points along the weekend when my confidence did take a knock (I heard that but its true) There were times last weekend when I questioned myself and the way I live my life ( I know - I know - but even Saggy peeps have their low moments ) It mainly arose from being treated with disrespect - and having my performance discounted because of my age (by someone we’ve helped along the way and who should know better) and a throw away remark - about my dancing skills and my rather lovely purple summer dress - from a ginger tosser outside the Cross Keys pub on Friday (one of those peeps whose brain cells - were barely making contact ) I know I shouldn’t have even given them any credence - why do peeps need to treat others badly in order to make themselves feel important and secure - I always get a kick out of making peeps smile and making them feel important - it’s a much better buzz by all-round. Still - I don’t suppose that everyone can be as fabulous as me. As you can see - I didn’t let them dent my confidence too much - After all me and THE Swifty nailed our set to the floor on Saturday - did the job of entertaining folk - despite our advanced agedness. And the ginger tosser - got a few choice Ringland words from my Swifty - that made him re think his whole attitude to my summer dress altogether. I digress (I heard that) needless to say my Shambolic woes didn’t last long - when you go abusking after midnight in the Port of a weekend - it’s very hard to hang onto feelings of “oh woe is me“. There we entertain those they don’t let into the pubs and clubs - those who know the value of a pound - a discarded bag of chips and a song that makes you smile. They don’t clap politely because you “ look “ right - they only clap - if you manage to sing a bit of the cold night air out of their bones. It’s where we hone our entertaining skills - none of Iffys fake plastic Trees to dust there. But suffice to say I’ve decided - after my conversation with the erudite Jon - that I’m never going to let naysayers and nob heads get me down again - they can all do one.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 03:36:12 +0000

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