All is well choose shallow one and jump in it. ------------ All - TopicsExpress


All is well choose shallow one and jump in it. ------------ All is well (adverb) can be turn complete negative without changing a single word All is well (noun). Now days media is doing this very cleverly, they serve mostly garbage as a news or political discussion, actually they present totally views not news, completely trivialized. Not only media but whole system and people too bound to feel very dejected on politics and this is ideal situation for wrongful & anti people politics. In fact media study the mood of masses and prepares plan accordingly, during first term of UPA things were not so bad for people as Communists were there to break their Neo liberal anti people politics putting inside and outside pressure. But in second term of UPA there was no inside barrier at all, and bad effect started to come as price rise, unemployment, corruption on peak etc. RTI also exposed things to it is further clear to people BJP is on same path on privatization and even more ahead on Neo liberalization politics they want to sale each and every profit making sources to private hand in interest of capitalists. So there was no question of real opposition of Congress policies all was dramatize show by BJP as they opposed FDI, corruption, price hike etc. But in fact communists exposed most the UPA by organizing people to protest, demonstrate throughout five years along with general masses, even they bring together trade union like INTUC to protest there own Government. All center trade union were involved by communists and strikes, Rally, JAIL BHARO programs had been carried out. But hardly got space in media positive way. But to misguide people from real struggle, media projected on top ANNA ANDOLAN mostly drived by SANGH till it was centralized against Congress only, but as it diversified they slowed down the support and as KEJRIWAL took stand against AMBANI the real Government of country, instantly media washed out APP too. In fact these all are planned tricks to misguide masses from there real issues. Media always project all is well (noun) and present situation ruling party as a deep dike and other are also well so choose comparative shallow well and jump in it. There is no real people friendly political party in fact so they must choose less corrupted and little bit better option than as today and they get success to misguide people. Intentionally they serve political garbage only to make people dejected from politics. And politically dejected people are self misguided people. But still there are political parties which never got involved in scams in 67 years, never caught in front of camera in any greed as its so common for others. Party which never compromise there principles of masses politics. But people have to understand that they will be never highlighted by this media. Only people can strong their hands by understanding the politics of own interest. Otherwise this media and system will always project All is well choose shallow one well and jump in it....... न.रूका।
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 12:57:24 +0000

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