All men and women are to strive, to struggle and to be tested. No - TopicsExpress


All men and women are to strive, to struggle and to be tested. No one will go into this dunya like everything is to be fed for him or her. No one existed in this dunya that didn’t face a problem. Look at Muhammad ﷺ . He was the the most beloved to Allāh and was and will always be the best of all His Creations yet Allāh made him to struggle, He made him face endeavors, his life was endangered, people plotted to kill him and until now after 1400 years, still there are people who make a mockery out of him yet he was the most loved to Allāh. We tend to pamper our loved ones with so much love, that when pain comes to them, they are shattered because they didn’t have the chance to build a wall from pain because of too much pampering. Life isn’t always good, nor does it go on with a straight and smooth path. Along with our love, we should also teach them how to stand up for their rights, by educating and teaching them with what is in reality, that this life is but a deceiving and temporal, that we all need to struggle, because this dunya is our battlefield, it is where we are to be tested. Ali Ibn Abi Talib (RA) was one of the greatest Sahabah that ever walked into this dunya, he bear such love for Muhammad ﷺ and such obedience to Allāh. He was one of those elite believers that fought alongside Muhammad ﷺ, who protected Muhammad ﷺ with his life, he was such a great man who preserved such a purified imān in his heart. He was known as one of those 10 promised Sahabah to enter Jannah, but look at his words, look how he asks Allāh to not lighten their burden but instead to give them strong backs. He was among those people who lived and struggled like they were promised Jahannam! Subhan’Allaah! These were the Sahabah, the chosen companions of Muhammad ﷺ, they didn’t mind the struggle, they didn’t ask for light hardship because they lived in compliance to the command of Allāh saying; And strive hard in Allāh’s cause, as you ought to strive. 22:78 They know they were to struggle, they faced every endeavor, they didn’t expect a good life full of gold and fruits and all those jazz in this dunya because they believed and they understood the words of Allāh saying; And We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits, but give good tidings to the patient” 2:155 So instead of asking for lighter burdens, they asked for stronger backs, like a stronger foundation so nothing could shake them, that like no army could ever destroy them because they know there wouldn’t be a worst burden than the wrath of Allāh. So they endured, they endured with great honor, they indeed strove in a manner of the Prophets with piety, sincerity, discipline, self-sacrifice and patience. The du’ā of these people who came before us were full of wisdom, full of love and patience both for themselves and other people, actually some of them just really made out a du’ā for others, this is how they made honor the words of Allāh saying; Indeed, the Muslims are but a single brotherhood. 49:10 So let me ask you, when did you last made a du’ā for a brother? for a stranger? for the Ummah? ____ and I pray that Allāh enlightens us to become more sensitive to the feelings to others that we may think and care for our brothers and sisters in Islam, not because we want to get credit for it but because we sincerely love them for His Sake. Amīn. Zohayma
Posted on: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 02:37:57 +0000

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