All my friends and followers and the people that became friends - TopicsExpress


All my friends and followers and the people that became friends through the release of our song Sunshine. I would like to thank you so much. I would also like to thank the DJs the ones that were already friends and the ones that Sunshine brought us together to become friends, as you all can see I have been working everyday morning and night on promoting Sunshine, you all probably have seen my music flyer promos and my music videos everyday here on Facebook Instagram Twitter, youtube and every other social media out there, All my music brothers and music sisters that I have done video promo flyers and have been loving Sunshine playing in the background thank you very much. Any one that would like my help on promoting there stuff just ask me. Even though Sunshine came out on June 12, 2014 and everyone as been loving it, and has told me its a happy up lifting song that makes them happy!! My fellow Sunshine supporters, I still need your help more then ever on getting our song to become number 1. If there are plenty more people out there and believe that Sunshine is one of those songs that needs to be on the billboard charts? Then help us make it happen. Also first time listeners of our song Sunshine, if you love our song then please share with others that you think would love it as much as you do. And if they love it then please ask them to share it also. Also please comment on the bottom on here. Remember only you the people are the ones that can make a difference. Also everyone on here probably have seen my video cartoons I created for ALS awareness ones was a ice cube and one I just did of a little boy with tears in eyes and a sad face, and you see the spider come down, well thats how ALS is it sneaks on you like a spider coming down from a web, and it can pick any one at any time. Since I have posted my ALS Videos I have been contacted by companies like Ockham, they are a drug research company, out there looking for the next magical drug, that will get rid of ALS, and every other killing machine illnesses out there,besides ALS Im also giving awareness for cervical cancer, for another reason, my girlfriend was diagnosed with cervical cancer, people ask me why you work so hard at what you do, well I wish I had the magical drug, to help her, so the only thing I can do is support in other ways and thats what I have been doing, On another note someone on here, Im not going to say there name, if they want to comment on here they are free to? Well let me tell you a story someone on here has loved our song so much, that they been contacting a radio stations. Im not going to say what station it is, but they been asking them how come Sunshine is not playing on there radio stations now? So everyone needs to understand this I didnt tell them to do this they did this on there own? This person asked me to do a behind the story on what I been doing, the amazing thing is this person has been watching my page and seeing everyone writing great things about our song Sunshine, and believes in her mind and heart Sunshine should be number 1# Also everyone on here please become friends with Thomas Little, as everyone that has been following my Facebook page, Thomas Little tried to kill him self, I saw this in a video that he posted on Facebook, and contacted the cops, and they saved him, so that makes me feel good so every Dj and Producer and Club Promoter Hashtags Thomas Little, and tell him we are happy hes still with us!! Everyone please comment and check out my new video I did, its Called NEW YORK NEW YORK SUNSHINE Thank you on the bottom Ill give you info to support us if you want to? We are playing on here Long Island PHONE REQUESTS (631) 580-1053 We are playing also in Florida PHONE REQUESTS (352) 372-1009 mixcloud/aldo-marin/aldo-marin-mix-63-64/
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 20:10:42 +0000

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