All my life, I have been good at reading, writing, spelling and - TopicsExpress


All my life, I have been good at reading, writing, spelling and grammar. Not at math. I see mistakes in spelling and grammar every single day, not only on Facebook but in the general media and on television, and even on street signs. It gets under my skin. It irks me to no end that people dont bother to educate themselves on proper reading and writing. You might even say it downright pisses me off. But I have known people who are fantastically good at math, and they act the same way when I cant calculate math equations in my head. If someone posted an incorrect math problem on Facebook, everyone would be up in arms that they couldnt post the right answer. And the person who was first to reply with the correct answer and explanation would get high praises and understanding from the original poster, as well as followers. Why is it, if I make a correction on someones spelling or grammar, Im considered a snob and a prude who has nothing better to do than correct a clear error? Its as plain and obvious and obnoxious to me, as a wrong math equation is to some. Why has our society decided that understanding language, writing and reading, isnt a necessary skill?? Why have we demoted our knowledge base so far that college educated people dont know the difference between are and our? Or your and youre? And dont know how to spell simple words like foreign and recognize? Some might be tempted to use the excuse that Spell Check is on everything now. But just because Spell Check gives you a word thats spelled correctly doesnt mean its being used in the right way. Spell Check doesnt know the context of the sentence the word is in, and creates more grammatical mistakes than anything. That is why its important to EDUCATE yourself on at least the basics! I mean, think about how it would be to use a calculator to solve a major problem with multiple components if you didnt know the basics of math? Writing is the same way. And people continue to overlook it, and forget the basics. Smart, intelligent, well-educated people brush off spelling and grammar like its dirt on their clothes...meanwhile, they continue to post comments that make them seem ignorant and uneducated. And it breaks my heart to see it, because I know that they could know better. And I know that our knowledge base today will influence the children of tomorrow, and we are just continuing to go downhill. Some come from the school of thought that you can only know so much, and then your brain is at capacity for knowledge. I believe that to be completely false. I never stop trying to learn, and observe, and research and find things out for myself. People that have walked away from high school or college and trusted that what they knew on the day they left campus was all theyd ever need to know are fools. There is no limit to learning and bettering yourself. I know that if I put my mind to it, I could become good at math and get to the point where I could calculate equations in my head. Theres no real reason why I shouldnt. And some day, perhaps I will...But WHY is it so difficult for people who arent good at spelling and grammar to open their minds to do the same?? All it takes is a little bit of brainpower...and if you have the internet at your fingertips, its that much easier. It is not that hard to Google the difference between your and youre...its just about as easy as using a calculator. So, really, theres NO stop making me out to be a bad guy, or snob or whatever, because I already know this!
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 18:09:17 +0000

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