All my pets are rescued by me... First of all, Lets meet Corky, - TopicsExpress


All my pets are rescued by me... First of all, Lets meet Corky, He is 9 years old now but when I got him from puppy mill (from craiglist) back in 2009, the lady said hes 2 years old (but vet said hes 4 years old)... He have been in wired cage (2ft x 2ft) for 4 years, never been on grass or see sunlight and never know what the toys are for.. When I got him, he was so shutdown like shell closed up.. Vet found out that he have some deformity- eye cataracts, gum disease and his balls were under inside the penis. He had go through special surgery which paid by organizations which try shutdown many puppy mills.. Vet warned me that all pets came from bad condition puppy mills have short life expectancy. Right now he isnt in good shape.. He have kidneys failing and cancerous tumors, Vet told me last year (1 year and 1 month ago) that he will live up to 6-8 months.. now he still thriving and in little pain.. and his body is swollen. I have hard time to make decisions when to put him sleep, Vet said as long he is not in pain or suffer.. but right now time is near.. this picture taken 2 years ago, I will take picture again soon.. He had long road to open up his shell about 1 year.. Now he loves us, other dog Buddy and new kitty.. but he spend more and more time to be himself in corner under my desk..
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 04:18:15 +0000

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