All non-Protestants, liberals, (if there is such a person) trade - TopicsExpress


All non-Protestants, liberals, (if there is such a person) trade unionists, and striking workers are denounced as subversives by the Ku Klux Klan, the Klan was organized in Pulaski, Tennessee, during the winter of 1865 by six Confederate army officers who gave their organization this name from the Greek word Ku Klos or circle. Membership is open to so-called white Protestant males 16 years of age or older; so-called Blacks, Moors, Roman Catholics, non-so-called whites and Jews are excluded. The Klan is very active in many states such as Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Georgia, Colorado, Oregon, Kansas and Oklahoma. In the early years, the Klan regarded the U.S. government as hostile and oppressive. The Klan also believed that the so-called African-Americans are inferior and therefore shall not and will not be allowed to rise above the status of a slave. There was another group of Klansmen that held a secret convention in Nashville Tennessee in 1867 they adopted a declaration of loyalty to the US Constitution and the Government of America. The convention designated the Klan as an invisible empire, provided for a supreme official called the Grand Wizard of the Empire, assisted by ten genii. The next principal of the Klan is the Grand Dragon of the Realm, assisted by eight hydras; then there is the Titan of the Dominion, assisted by six furies; and the Grand Cyclops of the Den, assisted by two nighthawks. In 1871, Congress passed the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution. In that same year, President Ulysses S. Grant issued a proclamation calling all illegal organizations to disarm and disband; thereafter hundreds of Klansmen were arrested. By 1915 in Georgia, a preacher, Colonel William Simmons, incorporated a new fraternal Order of the Klan. In 1920 the Order of Klan had expanded rapidly and became active in many states, during the 1930’s the Ku Klux Klan remained active particularly against Trade Union Organizers. It also threatened so-called Blacks, Negroes, and/or Colored People if they tried to vote. In the 1940,’s the Klan joined with Nazi Germany and held large rallies in, NJ and GA., the US then revoked the Klan’s Charter in 1947. After the US civil rights act of 1964, the Klan experienced an increase in membership, reaching an estimated 40,000 by 1965. In 1970, some Klan leaders ran for public offices in the South, amassing sizable numbers for the vote. There are about 15 organizations existing today in the US under the KKK, a former grand wizard of the Klan, David Duke was elected to the Louisiana House of Representatives in 1989 and ran in the gubernatorial election (1991). Albert Pike held the office of Chief Justice of the KKK while he was simultaneously Sovereign Grand Commander of Scottish Rite Masonry in the Southern Jurisdiction, (the KKK was also known as the Invisible Empire of the South). In 1869, Forrest ordered the Empire to disband because of the extreme violence. 1,915 years after the Christian era, is marked as the rebirth of the KKK and by 1920; they controlled some states such as Indiana from the courthouse to the state house. Almost all of the top officials of the revived Klan were also so-called Masons, with 5 million members, also called them selves white Protestants, with several Senators and Governors. By 1944, the KKK collapsed, in a storm of corruption, murder, rape, and torture. Pike was not just any Freemason he was the head of the Supreme Council, which has defacto control of the entire worldwide Masonic movement. Therefore, the Ku Klux Klan was an official and planned organization with political overtones that foreknowingly was set up to engage in murder, arson, and blackmail to achieve the Klan’s political objectives. The KKK and Freemasonry are as seamless as could be. From its inception through the open recruiting of European American Masons, in newspapers, to the use of Masonic Temples and halls for meetings, to the rituals, rites, and themes, to the high degree of Masonic membership of the leaders of the old and new Klan, even the present cover-up can be seen to be part of the Organized Klan. European American Freemasonry has continued their involvement with reactionary Politics; they have never stopped and have never given up the mission to stop the so-called Black man from ‘moving on up’. Many have speculated on what happened to the millions of members that were on the rolls up to the final downfall at the hands of the IRS in the 1940. We now know they simply carried on inside the Masonic lodges as if nothing had changed at all. What really had changed? In most regions of the country, the local KKK Tavern membership was indistinguishable from the local Blue Masonic lodge membership, there are whole lodges of them, after all the KKK had openly advertised in newspapers for new recruits specifying that ‘Masons were preferred’! The only change was the sheets were stowed away, but the political goals, willingness, and capability to follow through on them carried on. They are still at it they never went away. Dr. Fleming states that General Albert Pike, who stood high in the Masonic order, was the chief judicial officer of the Klan. Albert Pike also wrote extensively on the mythical super-race of the Aryans, extolling their virtues, imagined history, and religion, which he tried to show, was the precursor of Freemasonry in his numerous Published Works. It would seem that Pike was a fellow traveler with Blavatsky on this subject. Fifty years later in Central Europe there will be others who will take up this mantle and use these writings as the basis for an ideology that curiously enough, will also use the term new world order to describe their agenda, Just a co-incidence of course. The Asiatic Nations comprise eleven twelfths of the world’s population, and the European Nations, one twelfth; the Asiatic Nations and the Roman Cross Order of Christ and Mary in the US are under the Magna Carta but do not know this. The Magna Carta of 1854 Philadelphia, the chief city of Pennsylvania, founded by William Penn and other Quakers helped in the granting of freedom to the blond masses. The Europeans who have agreed by oath, or secret obligation to protect their society and prevent the legal marriage or socialization with people of heavy olive shade of skin, referred to as Asiatic or Original. Should any of these men and women violate the code, they are subject to become a social outcast of their society, especially if the violation involves marriage to any of the Asiatic men and/or women. This is a major violation of the Clannish society of the pale skin world, although the grown sons of the Klan society are at liberty to shop around with the Asiatic women of the US. The US Constitution is a document that granted economic, social and commercial freedom and equality to all people of ruddy pale skin, regardless to label and religious or political faith. Eugene Tallmadge was a major figure in Georgia politics from 1933 thru 1945; he opposed President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s administration to establish its New Deal programs of economic relief in the states. Tallmadge was born in 1884 and died in 1946. He ran for the U.S. Senate in 1936 and 1938, losing in both bids. As a member of the Board of Regents, which oversees public higher education in Georgia, Tallmadge used this to have a professor fired for having integrationist views, The University eventually lost its accreditation, and Tallmadge was defeated for reelection in 1942. Theodore Gilmore Bilbo, Democratic Senator from Mississippi, Bilbo was a Governor in 1928, he advocated the deportation of Moors to Africa, and he called Congresswoman Claire Booth Luce a nigger lover and in 1938 praised Adolph Hitler on the floor of the Senate. He attacked miscegenation stating that one drop of Negro blood placed in the veins of a Caucasian woman destroys the inventive genius of the European-American’s mind. Bilbo was born October 13, 1877, and was the 32nd Governor of Mississippi. A Senate committee found him guilty of accepting bribes from military contractors during WWII and he was denied his seat in the Senate in 1947, he died in New Orleans on August 21, 1947. The insignia on the US dime of 1865 represents the staff of the Roman Ax, which unfortunately left the Moors or Asiatic descendants on the outside looking in during the past 142 years of Roman economic social and commercial stride. Father Abraham, the god of the Roman Union involving the North and South or January 1 and July 4.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 04:54:20 +0000

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