All of a sudden you are a revolutionary for the black male - TopicsExpress


All of a sudden you are a revolutionary for the black male image: Ive been seeing so many people who have soooooooooo much to say about Ray Rice and Adrienne Peterson......but were completely silent when all eyes were on #Ferguson. Those who know me, know that I speak out on racism for more than 75% of my social media presence. But, we cannot put racism to EVERYTHING. I think we all know that the media is feeling the need to blast us with as many images of high profiled violent black men as possible. Our predatory image has to stay alive in order for them to keep from changing any laws. The GOOD OLE BOY network will no go down without a fight. But, lets get to the root of the agenda of the media. Dehumanizing us is what is needed in order to justify why they havent arrested Darren Wilson yet. Yet, in the midst of creating this awareness, lets not jump the gun. Lets not turn Ray Rice, Floyd Mayweather, AP, and Greg Hardy into the martyrs for the struggle. Its not like theyre being set up. These men did some dirty shit. Of course they arent the only ones, and that needs to be addressed, but how are you gonna be a revolutionary all of a sudden for these guys, whove been protected from taking responsibility for their actions since freshman year of high school, and not for innocent men who were killed FOR NOTHING?!?! They dont need you to defend them (especially since theyve done NOTHING to aid in the cause of the common black man in America). Its not like they stand for us like Ali and those of old. They dont give a DAMN about you. Where were you when we needed your voices? I had sworn some people on my friends list took a vow of social media silence or something for how quiet you all were when Ferguson was in the news. If you are cold enough, and dumb enough to give your wife a left hook in an Atlantic City elevator (where there are cameras EVERYWHERE), then you have sealed your own fate. You were presented with the opportunity of a lifetime, and YOU blew it. The white man didnt lift Rays fist to his wifes jaw in public, and he did not force AP to WHIP a 4 year old with a switch. I was whooped as a child, and I wouldnt change my childhood if you paid me. But I DO NOT recall being beat with stick like a slave, from a huge NFL running back, at 4 YEARS OLD. There are many many many examples that we can use to combat the black male image, but lets make sure we chose the incidents that dont make us look like total hypocrites just because we want to see these men run and jump.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 16:42:47 +0000

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