All of my life I have fought for and tried to help the most - TopicsExpress


All of my life I have fought for and tried to help the most disadvantaged people in the community, he said. For there to be some suggestion I have evil in my heart when it comes to the most disadvantaged people in the community is upsetting. This would have to be the most self serving disingenuous and totally lying comment on this whole matter. NO ONE who felt even a scintilla of this would put out a budget like he had! He has no bloody idea! Time and authenticity are on his side, so he should simply tough it out and focus on fixing overspending. NOPE. Wrong again spinmeister! Time is going to damn him and he has no authenticity at all...let alone fixing overspending. Maybe he should first look to his own mote in his own eye. $200,000 in entitlements on the tax payer for car travel costs alone..and that is not including plane flights. And now this money being spent on his living away from home allowance that is making the TAXPAYER pay off his mortgage on a house in Canberra whilst sole parents languish, unemployed are not going to be supported for 6 months, carers are told to get a job and DSP pension is being cut. You want savings on spendings?? Start with this rort first then move on to the fossil fuel subsidies of around $13 Billion a year, then move onto curbing income cutting by the rich, even cut part pensions to self funded retirees, payments to ex PMs, negative gearing, off shore investments...oh so many ways to cut and save...NOT by hurting the poor, disabled, sole parent and unemployed. And get rid of that stupid PPL. FFS!
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 05:47:47 +0000

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