All of the stars- Its just another night and Im staring at the - TopicsExpress


All of the stars- Its just another night and Im staring at the moon 又一個無眠的晚上,而我靜靜凝視懸掛在天邊的月亮 I saw a shooting star and thought of you 一顆流星在我眼前劃過漆黑夜空,但腦海浮現的卻是你的音容笑貌 I sang *a lullaby by the waterside* and knew 我輕聲哼唱一支搖籃曲 歌詞是訴說河畔旁發生的故事,而我知道 If you were here, Id sing to you 倘若你就在我的身邊,我將會為你而歌唱 Youre on the other side 你身處遙遠的另一端 As the skyline splits in two 就像天地崩裂,世界已經被一分為二 Miles away from seeing you 但我無懼越過千山萬水,只為與你相聚片刻 But I can see the stars from America 但此刻映入我眼簾的是來自於美國的閃耀星河 I wonder, do you see them too? 教我不禁好奇,我們仰望的是同一片星空嗎? So open your eyes and see 所以張開你的雙眸,你會看見 The way our horizons meet 彼此的地平線交匯以及融合的那一刻 And all of the lights will lead 而所有光芒將會指引你 Into the night with me 與我共同步進那無盡的黑夜之中 And I know these scars will bleed 我亦深知過去的那些瘡疤一直流血不止,難以癒合 But both of our hearts believe 但我們彼此的內心都堅信 All of these stars will guide us home 天上閃爍的繁星將會引導我們找到回家的路向 I can hear your heart on the radio beat 我可以在「節拍電台」中收聽到你的心聲 Theyre playing Chasing Cars and I thought of us 它們正播放著Chasing Cars,而我瞬間就聯想到我們的愛情故事 Back to the time you were lying next to me 倘若時光倒流,回溯至你依偎在我身旁的那一刻 I looked across and fell in love 我遙望著過往的美好片段,再次沈醉於愛情之中 So I took your hand 所以我牽著你的手 Back through lamp-lit streets and dew 沿途穿過點燃了萬家燈火的大街小巷和枝頭上的露珠 Everything led back to you 世間萬物都引領我回到你的身邊 So can you see the stars over Amsterdam? 當你昂首,你又可否看見那些懸掛在阿姆斯特丹上方的耀眼星辰? Hear the song my heart is beating to 靜心聆聽這首令我心跳加速的情歌 So open your eyes and see 所以張開你的雙眸,你會看見 The way our horizons meet 彼此的地平線交匯以及融合的那一刻 And all of the lights will lead 而所有光芒將會指引你 Into the night with me 與我共同步進那無盡的黑夜之中 And I know these scars will bleed 我亦深知過去的那些瘡疤一直流血不止,難以癒合 But both of our hearts believe 但我們彼此的內心都堅信 All of these stars will guide us home 天上閃爍的繁星將會引導我們找到回家的路向 And oh And oh And oh whoa I can see the stars from America 此刻映入我眼簾的是來自於美國的閃耀星河
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 15:29:38 +0000

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