All of the years prior to 2014 have sucked! They have been - TopicsExpress


All of the years prior to 2014 have sucked! They have been miserable, painful, frustrating, full of sadness and anger. I waisted so much of my life doing the same things over and over, while expecting different results. That got me nowhere. This year everything surfaced and I finally got the help I needed as I have been struggling for years and years. When I made the decision to change my life it was life or death for me. When I came home from rehab I got an outpour of support from more than 200 people from commenting on my status, to sending private messages, texts, etc... That made me feel so special, yet I quickly realized those were only words. My friends were no longer around and out of those 200+ people only FOUR people followed through. This year I learned who my true friends and even family are. I had no one and as I started to get lonely I got baby Dylan. He was very sick and underweight when I got him and as I was taking care of him I realized it is no surprises why we choose each other. He needed to gain weight severely, he was sick, on medicine, he could not even walk up a flight of stairs, and when I first brought him home he would not eat on his own. As he started to make improvements I felt so so so so so proud of him, from eating on his own to walking up and down the stairs, I really thought it was a miracle. I worry about him constantly, if he coughs or sneezes I get so scared. Lucky for him the pet store is next to my gym so almost every night I come home with a new toy for him. I felt the happiest and most relief as I noticed he put on weight, his ribs and spine no longer show and his coat is filling out. I would sit on the floor next to him, let him eat out of my hand, I would do anything for him to eat, and now he is a little piggy. As he gained weight his energy went through the roof, he is so hyper, and has such a wonderful spirt. When he was underweight he was completely different because he did not have any energy. Nursing him back to health has really taught me the importance of nutrients, and has taught me to accept myself at a normal weight without having protruding abs and veins. I learned this year that everything happens for a reason and that is a key quote to explain what I learned this year. With that HaPpY NeW yEaR and goodbye 2014!!!!!
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 23:09:03 +0000

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