All of us have seen the movie where the detective jumps in a cab - TopicsExpress


All of us have seen the movie where the detective jumps in a cab and says Follow that car. Tonight, however, the forces of law and order will have to jump on bicycles because all the cab drivers are here and they are certainly not for hire. Tonight is a night to switch off our meters and to relax and enjoy ourselves with our friends. We wont be talking about fares or the dangers we face in our work because tonight is a night for fun. That definitely means a night for telling stories about the people we carry in our cabs. There can be no doubt about it, all human life is there at one time or another. We have drunks singing Show me the way to go home. There are lawyers who have to be there on time to sign on the dotted line. Then there are the patients who are going to hospitals and the happier ones who are going home. We have tourists who are doing the sights and who expect us to give potted histories on the Statue of Liberty and cab drivers have to be philosophical because much as they would like to they cant do anything about traffic jams. So its either a question of high blood pressure or just sitting back and going with the flow. If everyone really has a book in them I reckon cab drivers have a whole series of them and they would all be best sellers. After all, they have all the ingredients needed. There is drama, romance and danger in the back seat Tonight we are catching up with our friends and, hopefully, making few new ones. We are dining in style which makes a change from takeaways. We deserve it. In fact, when you think of the unsociable hours we work and the dangers we face I think we deserve more than a night out. I think we all deserve a world cruise. The only cruising most of us will do is around the city, So we had better make the most of tonight. If you feel like singing, feel free. If you want to dance on the table, dont let us stop you. If you feel like painting the town red, be our guest. Tonight is your night and its up to you to make sure it is a night to end all nights and we dont even mind if you want to have a drink or two. Being the law abiding citizens we are weve arranged for a bus home. So tonight let us raise our glasses in a toast to the folk who keep the city moving, The Cab drivers of (Name of place). Today weve gathered together To have a good time and a chat To speak of the people weve met on the job To discuss this and, of course, that. Were dressed in our very best tonight And our spirits theyre very high No counting out change for us tonight Or gazing way up at the sky As we sit in the traffic it seems for hours Muttering just what we think of the powers Who allow this bedlam day after day But tonight, Forget it is what I say Were gathered together so lets have fun And leave, till tomorrow, those guys on the run.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 13:28:49 +0000

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